Wednesday, July 30, 2008

myeloma cancer

What is multiple myeloma?

-- Multiple myeloma (also called plasmacytoma or Morbus Kahler) to change a malignant plasma cells with an increase in the production of such cells in the bone marrow out of control.

-- Plasma cells produce changing patients antibodies or parts of the body simply counterattack - called paraproteins. These antibodies are similar Vezyukimiaeeh queens; and is produced by the so-called colony cells and plasma protein called single-strain is also ..
-- Suppresses the production of antibodies paraproteins natural formation, makes bacterial infections are common in patients.

-- The Namwaklaya generated blood cells in which the bone marrow suffers, which leads to a lack of red blood cells and white health, leading to fatigue, weakness, headaches and increased susceptibility to bacterial infection.

-- Proliferation of myeloma cells in bone marrow, and their interaction with stroma (supporting tissue for bone marrow) and activate cells leading to the strongroom incentive for increasing osteoclasts. Osteoclasts cells that can be broken bone substance. This leads to loss of bone substance and bone defects, which in turn can lead to fractures and pain.

-- A "growing resolve textile super-called calcium. Increase in the values of blood calcium can lead to complications such as damage to various college, fatigue, confusion, turmoil layout heart beats, nausea and vomiting.
The formation of large quantities of paraproteins can bring major increase in blood protein content. As part of the protein removed through macro-protein can prevent renal pipe work, thus weakening the kidney function.

-- There are multiple forms Mokhtfahllmaeloma known. Differ in terms of installation antibodies.
Multiple myeloma can be there for years without noticeable signs of the disease. Rule, the effects of the disease occurring here after a long period of time.

-- To date, the question is what are the causes of multiple myeloma to answer it categorically.
Although the disease sometimes occurs in the same family, but multiple myeloma is not genetic diseases in the foundation.


Since the onset of the disease, most patients do not face any symptoms. While the disease progress, speaking with unusual symptoms such as the reduction in natural fitness, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite or nausea or vomiting or weight loss. The following symptoms, described by the member.

-- Britain pain often begins slowly and grow with time. Sharp pain similar to bone fractures in the spine, ribs, or bone tube.

-- Back pain in his back and spine cotton happen often.

-- Reduction in the height of several centimeters notes often. The reason for this is the compaction paragraphs.

-- Higher level of calcium in the blood, resulting from (Britain disintegration), which leads to an increase in the volume of urine and the risk of drought body. Leads to the higher level of calcium also nausea and vomiting.

-- With 20% of patients, kidney function and less Bbesbb Aldharrvi renal tubes.

-- The symptoms result from the change in Khalaiaaldm depends on the number of plasma cells decaying. The maturation of red blood cells is the first factor which will be affected. The symptoms of anemia is the weakness and fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, especially during the normal stress.

-- With the progress of the disease, occurs decrease in the number of (white blood cells) and (blood platelets) can happen. Low any number of white cells leading to the ease of bacterial infection.

-- Almost 20 to 25% of patients suffering from repeated bacterial infections primarily. In the early stages of the disease, respiratory infections most common areas. The symptoms of urinary infections in an ideal form of the disease advanced.

-- Shortage of blood platelets is reflected in an increasing tendency to bleeding from the nose or menstrual bleeding increasing among women.
Only very few patients facing Bathuloger changes in the nervous system. (Nerves in the long arms and legs) burning pain and sense of loss that can occur in the ceilings. Is only in rare cases, Badfterh long illness, which can produce paralysis, loss of feeling and smooth.


The purpose of diagnosis to confirm or remove doubt cancer, and in case of doubt must be sure, but gaining accurate knowledge about the tumour. Treatment becomes understandable only if a comprehensive diagnosis.

The disease can be decided in several ways. General references to changes in urine and blood, bone pain or bone fractures. This gives reason to check for the existence of the designated multiple myeloma. Positive diagnosis of at least two of the following criteria must be accomplished:

-- The proportion of plasma cells in bone marrow sample of more than 10 percent.

-- Specific damage myeloma bone (with the emergence of leaky vents in the structural system), or reduced bone density (bone necrosis) and bone fractures. In any case, none of these very specific bone damage to multiple myeloma.

-- More than 3 grams paraprotein per 100 ml of blood were uncovered and / or paraproteins in the urine and / or there is evidence to mitigate bone.

The objective diagnostic tests are to confirm the diagnosis Limits unlikely, in other words:. Prior to the complexities and discover whether or malignant tumor Hamid. Kindness / slag important criterion for the decision to form the required treatment.

Doctor provided a summary of all complaints and diseases of Macedonia. Details that may appear relevant to you-can provide important information to your doctor. Read page entitled patients with good information

In addition to screening blood and urine, or X-ray pictures of the nuclear cycle or additional Mufras class-rays to detect bone necrosis, or holes, and must be removed bone marrow sample for diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Symptoms, the results of blood tests and x-ray urine, in addition to assess bone marrow sample, leading to confirm the diagnosis.


The goal of treatment is to delay tumor growth. That the recovery from multiple myeloma is only possible in cases where the tumor where Mtamoda outside the bone marrow or in a single, as well as for young patients who have conducted the transplant bone marrow from the donor. Aadazlk, this disease An incurable disease remedy the situation. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to try to prolong life and access to good quality of life.
Chemotherapy [/ color]
Chemical drugs are preventing cells from rum growth and reproduction
Multiple myeloma is different from many of the tumors fact that the diagnosis does not mean the immediate need for treatment. With this treatment is required when:

Ballack bone onset of symptoms and fatigue
And a kidney injury
Increase the proportion of calcium in the blood
Qaq anaemia.
Some types of drugs known as Chemical (alkylating agents) and melphalan k Alsichaelovosagamaid effective in the treatment and often add their derivatives Cortisone.

The side effects of these drugs include nausea, vomiting, anemia, inflammation of the mucous membranes, hair loss, nerve damage weight gain. These symptoms occur during the use of drugs.

Will guide you to your drugs and how to use them.

Higher-dose treatment and stem cell transplantation
Studies have shown that the use of melphalan at very high doses led to a complete remission (complete disappearance of symptoms) with many patients. Despite this, the higher dose treatment has a negative effect on bone marrow. The result is a decline in the number of white blood cells, taking a major risk of infection. The following procedures are now approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma:

Giving incentives white cells that accelerate the renewal of white blood cells. These growth rates known as colony stimulating factors, white cells (JC S F).
Replanting bone marrow - or from the Pacific stem cells (taken from blood and obtained by the higher dose treatment). This procedure also invited on behalf of stem cell transplantation Territories.
Consult your doctor for this method or manner of stem cell transplantation from donor allogenic treatment with high-dose chemical, if your suit, especially with regard to risks.

The goal of radiation is the ability to stop cancer cells to divide and thus to prevent the growth of other tumor. Unlike many of the tumors, the normal cells have the capacity to repair damage caused by radiation, the result of radiation affect Cbrali tumor from the surrounding members of health. It is important to know that no radioactive material penetrates the body during radiotherapy.

Radiation therapy is used first of all to deal with bone pain. Also, radiation therapy can prevent bone fractures in the bone retaining sections. Current bone fractures could prove the use of radiation.

Severe side effects, such as reddening skin is rare. Various other side effects could occur depending on the region which are subject to radiation. You should discuss these side effects individually with a doctor Aoramk You should also discuss the form of radiation to be used in your case.

Real estate interferon treatment (interferon)
Interferon alpha-active material produced in the body and act on the immune system cells. Among other things, interferon prevent the reproduction of the plasma cells. Experience has shown that the use of interferon recommended for patients for whom chemotherapy has led to unabated, or at least stabilize the clinical picture. This concerns especially the high-dose therapy patients and stem cell transplantation. The goal of interferon treatment to keep remission accomplished during chemotherapy.

Flu-like symptoms of depression and possible side effects.

Thalidomide treatment
The use of thalidomide in the treatment of myeloma a new therapeutic. Scientists discovered that thalidomide can prevent the formation of new blood vessels. The renewal of blood vessels, also known composition coffers, is a sine qua non for the growth of tumors. In addition, thalidomide is also an impact on the immune system. The goal of scientific research be achieved if growth slows tumour could be using thalidomide. Data so far concluded that 40% of patients not previously treated with thalidomide respond to treatment. In the case of newly diagnosed patients, the combination of thalidomide and dexamethasone lead to remission in about 60 percent of cases, the combination of thalidomide and dexamethasone melphalan and lead to remission to 80 percent of patients.

In any case thalidomide treatment could take the side effects that may compel treatment for a rare break. Outer nerve damage, constipation, fatigue, feeling weak and skin rashes can occur.

Using thalidomide to treat patients newly diagnosed, patients in recidivism or disease-resistant preliminary, but also the patients who passed the first successful treatment acid maintenance. In any case treatment to prevent the setback, the dose necessary to significantly reduce and clear recommendations do not exist yet here. Results of the studies were not available nonetheless. (Information on clinical studies can be found here.)

Treatment b Bortezomib (Albortizumib)
Not all the details of the impact of this method of real estate called the proteasome sift clear. In any case, that the formation of protein and stoppage of the carrier signal, both important for the survival of cancer cells and to reproduce Alkhalayawaltsak cells and the formation of new blood vessels. To stop this protein is under the control of proteasomes. And enzymes are found in cells and cancer cells health and the destruction of cellular proteins that control the way.

Bortezomib prevents effective proteasomes, the result of many signals in the cancer cell nullify each other mutually and this, in turn, leads to prevent tumor growth and the formation of new blood vessels, and the death of cancer cells (apoptosis) to prevent interaction and cell tissue connecting the bone marrow.

In Europe, Bortezomib ratified in April 2004 under the brand Velcade ® to deal with multiple myeloma, for patients who were treated previously infected patients and two sessions of the disease was made during the definitive treatment (so-called third-line treatment). Since April 2005 Velcade ® also certified to treat patients with so-called second-line therapy. To remedy used Velcade ® single (In other words:. No combination with other drugs) patients must pass by planting bone marrow or may not be suitable for transplant marrow. Maximum duration of treatment with Velcade ® are not known yet.

The most frequent side effects in clinical studies with Velcade ® was a moderate degree of fatigue, a feeling of weakness, nausea, diarrhea, reduced appetite and maintained. In addition, in any case, there may be reducing the concentration of blood platelets, ill nervous external (feeling of anesthesia, pain in hands or feet or legs), high temperature and devout, and anemia. That a high temperature with pneumonia, acute diarrhoea and vomiting and dizziness and drought are considered serious side effects.

Treatment by a Lenalidomide
Lenalidomide has been approved in the United States, the EU and in Switzerland for a combination therapy with Dexamethasone in patients with multiple myeloma who already received a standard therapy. Since the end of 2005, Lenalidomide has also been approved in the USA for the treatment of patients requiring transfusions with myelodysplastic syndrome of risk class "low" or "intermediary-1" with simultaneous 5q-deletion with or without additional cytogenetic abnormalities.

Lenalidomide belongs to the main material in IMiDs ® this label stands for Immunomodulatory Drugs, a pharmacy, if the elements are able to effectively simulate the immune system. IMiDs are linkages derived from Altaledomid (calming dwellings) have reactors (IHD) compared with a few side Ttalidomid article in the same degree of effectiveness or more.

Allenaledomid mechanism of action is not yet fully known. But it is known that this article op in various areas of the body. Qualities and immunogenic Allauaaih Growing Up to this article affect the emptying of inflammatory material inciting and raise the production of reducing inflammation. Prevention is building blood vessels in cancerous tumor which leads to poor supply of nutritious substances cancerous cells. Also directly affect the Lenalidomide in cancer cells that is discouraging growth. Lenalidomide has the ability to whether the correct course of metabolic processes that emerged from the process of balance in the different regions of the body.

Blinaledomid treatment also linked to side effects. Often changed the image of blood in passing when the abuse of Lenalidomide: the quantity of blood platelets would be less, as well as white blood cell blood. The results of blood tests may lead to the need to cut treatment or reducing the dosage of Lenalidomide described. Some patients require influences development and / or blood transfusions.

Also reactors side of medicine for Lenalidomide high risk of a possible bloody clot during treatment (clot disease and obstructive lung). There is so far no tests prove definitively that the treatment and preventive advance would reduce the possibilities of a clot. By every kind of threat can constitute a blood clot doctor described the treatment and preventive measure against clot vascular and pulmonary embolisms. Side reactors that may consist of abuse of Lenalidomide is diarrhea, eczema, itching.
Bisphosphonates treatment bisphosphonates
One of the most frequent symptoms that afflict patients is a great pain, particularly in the spine and ribs. The pain caused by bone mass article, because myeloma cells. Bisphosphonates that part of the basic treatment of multiple myeloma. These Alakakirimkn that slowed the process of shattering the bone.

Myeloma cells produce factors that stimulate the activity of cells that regulate the activity of mass Britain (osteoclasts) and lead to increased bone crash. Topical factors believed to play a role, which means that more bone crash in areas where there are myeloma cells, and it is affecting the backbone full mainly hip and Sash basin, but also the bones of the skull, shoulders, chest Britain. The goal of treatment with bisphosphonates is that suppresses the activity of excessive osteoclasts. Patients treated and often faced a significant decline in Britain was important.

Bisphosphonates relatively secure form of treatment. In any case, it can cause symptoms of influenza semi, Andastamalha for the first time, can cause a temporary increase in bone pain. Each bisphosphonates can also cause problems college quickly. Despite the absence of any long-term studies in this area, the treatment of permanent b bisphosphonates recommended for Mrzialmaeloma, where the kidney function should be monitored regularly.

Bisphosphonates prevent the destruction of bone Aalmstqubli But, in any case, does not lead to any regression in the already existing damage. Despite the fact that there is no studies in this regard, some doctors treated their patients b bisphosphonates even in the early stages of myeloma as a precautionary measure. Laboratory studies have shown that bisphosphonates can crash myeloma cells.

Female symptoms of osteoporosis decomposition can occur from time to time with patients treated with bisphosphonates causing damage skeletons in the jaw. Results can be a pain, dental fluent, Havat sharp bone and the separation of small portions of bone. The initial symptoms are swelling, a sense of anesthesia and pain. Surgical operations in the mouth heal difficulty. So far, not known whether the type of bisphosphonates play a role or other factors (for example, radiation, other drugs, pre-dental treatment) have any impact.

Until such time as the answer to these questions, the myeloma patients advised to tell the dentist for treatment of bisphosphonates if applicable. In case of problems, the solution must be cut to two to four months. The use of antibiotics recommended for treatment of injuries in the jaw.

Address the accompanying symptoms
Speaking with your doctor regarding the treatment of symptoms associated with multiple myeloma, such as anemia, osteoporosis and increase the infection and pain and how to apply the precautionary measures for yourself. Consult your doctor about the first signs of symptoms and the doctor know which addresses (including dental and eye specialists) about the disease.

Ask your doctor about the things that we must pay special attention are finalized accompanying symptoms, the medicine has always dealt with exactly as described, taking advantage of preventive action. It is not true that myeloma patients should not be pollinators; vaccine inoculations that the crash was not bacteria or viruses which Ktralimrdi myeloma.

This section of the state real hit this cancer
And are being addressed

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancers where the estimated number of casualties in the United States only about one million injuries annually. To avoid sunlight the best way to give birth to skin cancer, as excessive exposure to sunlight (including the solarium) is the main cause of infection skin cancer, especially when injury burns them.

There are other factors help to the disease, such as excessive exposure to radiation or scars resulting from injuries or burns or disease or a history of hereditary in the family. Whereas the prevention of this disease means avoiding the causes of occurrence, as the most important factor for cancer is excessive exposure to sunlight you must avoid radiation, through: Try to stay in the shade between ten am and at the fourth evening. tried wearing light-coloured clothes and the use of energy tried to use Karim prevention from the sun. Using creams prevention of sun correctly lead to effective results in injury to avoid burns from the sun, and this does not necessarily mean staying in the sun for a long time as they also lead damaged the immune system of the skin and damage to the skin. Prefer to start in the use of protective creams sun stages of childhood, where an estimated rate of exposure to sunlight 80% of the total age of the person in childhood and youth before they reach the age of twelve o'clock. Children under the age of 6 months must avoid exposure to sunlight. Early diagnosis best way to cure: the rights to develop control of his body and the skin, through the simple steps will be remembered later. It must attention on anything new shows such as benign, or Tkrjat or any change in skin color appears suddenly. Precancerous Skin Condition cases of skin cancer potential: (Actinic Keratoses) is a small patches appear often on the face, hands down, or stop on the back. If not treat these spots may develop into skin cancer. The early diagnosis of the situation leads to avoid cancer, the treatment is through these patches (Cryotherapy) or freezing (Freezing), by a cream or lotion chemical or through chemical peeling, or laser surgery, or any suitable method of treatment prescribed by a specialist skin . For the benefit, the use of protective sun cream helps to avoid injury this case. Cases of skin cancer: Cancerous Skin Condition: There are three types of skin cancer: 1 - Basal Cell Carcinoma: shows this type of cancer as a contract or a small tumor in the skin, and appears often on the head, neck, hands and can also show red spots on the rear. Majority are infected with the type of people with skin color chapeau, and the colors are opening their eyes and hair also can not (Ismarwa) or Igmqgua color of their skin easily through the sun. tumor that does not spread quickly, as it could take months or years to spread and grow by inch and a half. if it is not treating this type, these patches begin scaling bleeding and then healed then returned the same session. It is rare that the disease is spreading throughout the body j, but it may penetrate the skin to the bone and lead to localized damage. 2 - Squamous Cell Carcinoma: The second type is the most widespread and appear CORME or red patches often appear on the authorization, face, lips, mouth and rarely appears in the owners Algamvh skin color. Could develop this kind and spread throughout the body, and early diagnosis and treatment helps cure rate of nearly 95%. 3 - Mslignant Melanoma: This type of the most dangerous species of all types of skin cancers, which appear to 44,000 people annually in the United States alone, almost 7,300 of them die, it is important to emphasize that early diagnosis is helping to cure and reduce the mortality rate for . Will be in Melanoma cells Almlanih (Melanocyte), the skin cells that produce melanin Alvamk Melanim named, and this pigment is what makes skin Umbering and formal, and has a role in protecting the skin from sun to penetrate it. Melanoma cells continue in the production of melanin Melanin, which appear when the cancer Klon dark light shade, or built or black, and the emergence of Melanoma can be red or white. Melanoma tends to be spread, which makes it necessary treatment. Almilanoma may appear suddenly and without warning may also begin running close to the lesions, or any dark spot colour of the skin, and it is very important to know in the heat and benign to Mahza any change may occur, and skin specialist review if there is any change where p and eradicate Laj Almilanoma situation if found in its early stages. Excessive exposure to sunlight, especially to the degree burns, one of the main reasons that lead to Almilanoma, and also the presence of the history and hereditary in the family may be causing the situation. It is noticeable that it has Lentigo and many aunts quantities in the body that has a susceptibility to develop Almilanoma higher rate than other persons. Can not ensure that owners obtain Almilanoma dull skin colour, where the evolution of this situation, particularly in the comfort of the hands, soles of the feet, under the nails or in the mouth. Symptoms that may indicate a Almilanoma: change in the outer surface of Lentigo, a change in format, bleeding or new tumor emergence or spread around the perimeter of the skin pigment. It can Alcaro itching, or pain. How is the treatment of skin cancer: skin specialist may resort after work necessary tests and the existence of cases of skin cancer for surgeons to treat cancer by each case. The early diagnosis leads to better results for treatment. Doctors advised leather work constantly to check personal note any change in the body, Here are some simple and useful way of the work of the inspection and fees to any change might happen. 1 - Check your body for women of the forward and back and sides with the lifting of hands to see the full body. 2 - Make Bhani Facility hands, your Walid examine a full range of top-down and forward and backward. 3 - see behind the legs and feet, and the region between the fingers and feet Sole. 4 - Check the back of the neck, scalp women by the hand, and part of the hair on the back left. 5 - Check the back and buttocks women by the hand.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bone cancer

Bone cancer
The cancers that arise in the bone, called primary bone cancers, is very rare.
They occur most often in children and adolescents, Springfield cancerous bone their way through the surrounding structures and spread rapidly throughout the body.
Therefore, early diagnosis is very important, and whenever that was discovered early, it was possible to undergo surgery to eradicate the tumor.
That the likelihood of the resumption of most cancer patients during the period of five years is very little prospect, and not likely to re-emerge after that. However, the majority of cases are not diagnosed early warning is not good.

The causes of bone cancer first not yet known, but may be a genetic link where we find that often applies in families.
Usually this affects cancer leg, with the emergence of a painful swelling above the knee or directly underneath, has exacerbated the pain in this case stand or during sleep at night in bed.

How diagnosed?

Patients referred to a specialist to take a picture of X-ray and other tests such as m survey computerized tomography CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging MRI to confirm the diagnosis, and Ahlgren Britain Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone cancers.

These are malignant tumors are very often spread to the lungs, and therefore requests a picture of the patient's chest X-ray.

Bone cancer treatment:

In most cases, are surgical removal of tumor, and is the eradication of any infected bone and will be replaced greatness or artificial piece of bone from elsewhere of the body of the patient or greatness appropriate person are.
After the surgery the patient is subject to heal radiotherapy or chemotherapy to get rid of any remaining cancer

lymphomas cancer

The lymphomas are blood diseases characterized by the proliferation of malignant lymphoid cells and reticular which tend to infiltrate through the body.

They are mainly:

* Hodgkin's disease;
* And of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which Burkitt's lymphoma and mycosis fungoides are attached.

Hodgkin's disease
(Lymphogranuloma malignant)
[?] What's this?

This lymphoma (blood disease characterized by the proliferation of malignant lymphoid cells and reticular which tend to infiltrate through the body) is characterized by the presence in the bodies with reticular cells dystrophic: Sternberg cells.

The disease primarily affects adults between ages 15 and 60.
[?] Causes and risk factors

The cause of the disease is unknown.

[?] Signs of the disease

The lymph node is firm, painless, which can be found in all territories ganglion.

Sometimes it is a thoracic or cervical ganglion isolated in a young adult.

In all cases, the persistence more than 3 weeks of lymph nodes increased volume without inflammatory nature, apart from one episode of infection, should result in a puncture to achieve a cytology swelling. The surgical biopsy is the next step.

Demonstrations visceral are possible: pleurisy, pneumonia, gastritis, liver injury (large liver, jaundice), spinal pain with spinal cord compression and paraplegia syndrome-Claude-Bernard Horner in the event of nerve compression in the cervical sympathetic journey Chest, paralysis in the case of laryngeal nerve compression recurring neuralgia by compression of the spinal roots, big rate;

They are accompanied by symptoms: a prolonged fever with sweating, often undulating, a generalized itching.
[?] Examinations and analysis

The blood can show a decrease in lymphocytes, an increase of eosinophils (eosinophilia), anemia.

The speed is accelerated sedimentation.

The elevation of fibrin, the increase in alpha 2 globulins, the fall of serum iron, hyperplaquettose, increased serum alkaline phophatases and leucocytaires ... Are signs scalability of the disease.

Puncture of juice can show ganglion cells typical Sternberg cells, which can only confirm the diagnosis.

The biopsy of a lymph node examination is essential: it is made by first direct surgical neck, endoscopy, laparotomy or thoracotomy depending on the location.

The study of the biopsy to differentiate on the histological four forms numbered from 1 to 4, and different prognoses.

It also practices:

* The chest radiograph;
* CT and ultrasound of the chest and upper abdomen, which specify the injuries thoracic and detect violations of mediastinal lymph node and / or invisible on the chest radiograph;
* The lymphographie abdominal imaging of the spleen and liver, skeletal radiographs complement the balance sheet.

The degree of spreading the disease can define clinical stages 4 (Ann Arbor):

* Stage I: violation of a single node group, or two contiguous territories ganglion on the same side of the diaphragm;
* Stage II: attack of two non-contiguous territories ganglion but the same side of the diaphragm;
* Stage III: Achieving lymph node addition and sub-diaphragmatic;
* Stage IV: Visceral associated: liver, heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, bone, nervous system.

For each of these stages, there is the absence (A) or presence (B) of symptoms: fever, sweats, weight loss ...

[?] Differential Diagnosis

* The infectious mononucleosis (MNI);
* The toxoplasmosis;
* A cytomegalovirus;
* A leukemia;
* A non-Hodgkin lymphoma;
* A lung cancer;
* A sarcoidosis;
A tuberculosis ...

[?] Prognostics

The prognosis depends on the histologic type of the disease and the clinical stage.
Under treatment, the prognosis is excellent ..
[?] Treatment

It is based in principle on radiation therapy in stage I and II and chemotherapy in stages III and IV, but in practice the two types of treatments are often linked in patients.

Multidrug MOPP combines Oncovin (vincristine), Caryolysine (chlorméthine) through IV, Solupred (prednisone) and Natulan (procarbazine) per os, administered by cycles.

Other drugs may be used.

The non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
[?] What's this?

The lymphomas are blood diseases characterized by the proliferation of malignant lymphoid cells and reticular which tend to infiltrate through the body.

The non-Hodgkin's lymphoma do not contain Sternberg cells.

These diseases were previously designated under the terms of lymphosarcomes.

Two forms are isolated: Burkitt's lymphoma and mycosis fungoides.

The malignant lymphomas are frequent.

A retrovirus (HTLV-1) was isolated in patients as well as the Epstein-Barr virus.

The classification of malignant lymphomas based on histology, and the degree of malignancy.
[?] Signs of the disease

The symptoms are very varied and are similar to those of Hodgkin's disease.

The disease is often painless lymph node in the neck or inguinal folds. The thoracic and retroperitoneal lymph nodes can lead to compression.

All organs can be infiltrated: gastrointestinal tract, skin, bone, etc. ...

An altered state General (weight loss, fever, fatigue, night sweats) exhibits a disease spread.

Diagnosis is based on biopsy and histology, the study historians immunological and cytogenetics.
[?] Treatment

The treatment can be conceived as specialized: radiotherapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant. In some cases little evolutionary one prefers not to deal.

The Burkitt lymphoma cell lymphoma is a very undifferentiated B, which tends to locate outside of the lymph nodes and the reticulo-endothelial system. It is endemic in tropical Africa, where the Epstein-Barr virus seems to play an important role.
The disease is usually abdominal masses due to intestinal attack. The maxillary tumors are common. The biopsy allows diagnosis. The treatment is often effective.

There is a sporadic (non-endemic), which reaches more often immunocompromised adults (AIDS).

The Mycosis fungoides lymphoma is a chronic T-cell, uncommon, affecting mainly the skin. The disease usually manifests itself in a chronic itchy rash (causing itching). The treatment is based on local applications of methotrexate and corticosteroids, sometimes selective irradiation injuries ..

Dr. Lyonel Rossant, Dr Jacqueline Rossant-Lumbroso.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Leukaemia cancer

Leukaemia ... viable cure disease

D. Continental Abdulraheem
Consultant blood diseases and tumors

Despite considerable progress in various aspects of medicine in the twentieth century is still occupies cancer sensitive sites in the public consciousness in terms of raising people's feelings of fear and anxiety among many. Despite the significant progress in the treatment of blood cancers, tumors Lyme in particular, are even higher than the progress that has happened in other tumors, which is that these diseases were leading to death almost all before the sixties of the twentieth century, while full recovery of most of today's rates ranging between 25 to 90%, although this is still considerable progress tumors of blood and lymphatic glands cause panic and anxiety to many people and this is due to several reasons, including the fact that these diseases strike by the largest segment of both young children or young people.

What is cancer, and what blood cancers?

It is known that the cancer is in the different types of members and affect different tissues of the body. Among these different types of so-called blood cancer, which is a malignant disease affects blood cells constituent found in bone marrow, which in itself is not a satisfactory one, but different types can be divided into four main sections differ in the means of treatment and also the amount of response to treatment and this What Snfsalh later. In addition, there are tumors that can be considered lymphatic cancers also linked blood cells as Lyme and Lyme contract represents one unit of blood cells and bone marrow (blood product).

In turn lymphatic tumors were divided into different diseases and can be simplified in a three diseases or groups are satisfactory Hodgkin's disease, tumor lymphoblastic non-Hodgkin's type, myeloma or multiple myeloma. Despite this division note differences between biological and therapeutic minute of different species, especially those that meet under the so-called gastro Lyme F-Hodgkin's.

After diagnosing cancer that must determine the extent of spread, and simplified deployment phases can be identified three stages: in a proliferation of emerging, in the proliferation of emerging, the spread of the year.

Photos of leukaemia


The treatment of any disease is a cancer today one of three basic methods: thermal treatment, radiotherapy, pharmacological treatment (chemical) has happened over the past decades significant progress has access to the full recovery of many types of cancer. The full recovery in the case of certain types of cancer by surgical treatment primarily at the forefront of these types of blood cancers and malignant tumors where Lyme disease mentioned that this could be considered in the case of all-Proliferation year, such as the spread of blood in the body.

Generally causes cancer and leukaemia in particular:

Causes of miles to a tumour:

1 genetic disorders:

It is known that there are imbalances and genetic make rights vulnerable to the emergence of tumour disease famous Down's syndrome (Down Syndrome), or the so-called Mongolian children.

2 radiation exposure

3 radiotherapy and chemical

After the use of radiotherapy in the tens of thousands of patients during the twentieth century proved scientifically and then noted that the studies radiotherapy, as well as the chemical itself cause tumors in some cases blood unrelated to the original Balorm been used chemical or radiotherapy for it.

4 exposure to some chemicals

Of the reasons that there are some blood diseases, including some cases of malignant blood diseases repeated exposure to chemicals at work

5 blood diseases leading to leukaemia

There are malignant blood diseases-can years after becoming malignant blood diseases such as anaemia Allatensji disease and break red blood cells night, as well as sudden there Sicker blood malignant chronic become acute leukemia after years as a proliferation of blood cells and the real bone marrow fibrosis and chronic leukaemia Whether or spinal lymphoblastic.

6 viruses

There are multiple causes viruses such as HIV hepatitis type b or EBV virus, which causes tumors nasal pharynx, has found that the virus closely related lymphatic neoplasm F (Burkitt), which appear in parts of Africa, as well as the lymphatic neoplasm that appear after organ transplant or when AIDS patients, so there abbreviated name virus HTLV-1 causes disease impure blood abbreviated name ATLL and spread of the virus and quality in areas of West Africa and the Caribbean and some areas of Japan.

Types of leukaemia

Blood cancers are divided into four main types: the spinal acute leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic spinal leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. There are other kinds of rare species within one of the four characteristics and have had it. The first two types called acute leukaemia because in times that there was no treatment available for these diseases were expected duration of survival of the patient-month period, while the patient survival can be expected in other types of years even if not receive any treatment.

The fact that these four types of diseases differs independent of one another and different treatment and different response to treatment and therefore different opportunities curable.

It combines these diseases arise in the bone marrow and cause the occupation of the area into bone marrow cells makes natural, does not find enough space for the proliferation of blood components for the production of red blood cells or white blood or platelets.

Therefore, all characterized as a cause anemia or weakness cells neutral and therefore weakness in the immune or poor production of blood platelets and thus the tendency to hemorrhage although these symptoms vary from disease to another.

We will try discussed below these diseases one by one.

Spinal acute leukaemia:

Frequently this disease in adults and in children less At this disease primitive cells proliferate (Primitive) cells resembling mother even filled most of bone marrow (Fig 1), so it does not remain only a limited area of natural cells, causing symptoms of the so-called failure of bone marrow.

Symptoms of acute spinal leukaemia:

The symptoms of acute leukaemia spinal usually non-specific disease unit, example is the vulnerability of the patient, dizziness, fatigue and shortness of breath at the effort and heart Palpitation has tended to bleeding from the gums or nose may appear implications bleeding under the skin rash in the form of the legs or patches bloodiest in different parts of the body temperature rises have had the presence of bacterial infection at the site of the body or public blood, and called such symptoms symptoms of bone marrow failure, because the weakness caused by the production of red blood cells and white blood platelets.

Treatment of acute spinal leukaemia:

The treatment of the disease through intensive chemical treatment, which lasts for 5 to 10 days using 2 to 3 drugs, mostly involving drug Cytarabine one of a group of drugs such as real estate Anthracycline Daunorubicine.

Unfortunately, all the drugs that affect the disease's natural attacking cells such as Britain marrow cells attack malignant disease and therefore increases the symptoms failed bone marrow drag on for a temporary period of three to four weeks after the treatment in question then regain its health and bone marrow blood cells revert to normal reproduction, growth and return production blood and symptoms disappear failed bone marrow mentioned.

As well as the need to transfer patient blood (red blood cells) and the transfer of a bloody sheet, as the patient needs to repeat blood transfusion and blood platelets normally, so it is used in these cases, the so-called pain blood filtered to prevent the transfer of white blood cells to the patient as these white cells cause composition features antibodies against tissue (HLA-), which may lead to the destruction of blood platelets, which will be transferred Antigens in the future and other immune problems.

After intensive treatment phase of this and the ensuing period of weak blood cells, which must overcome a bacterial infectious disease control and the transfer of red blood cells and the transfer of blood platelets, restore the bone marrow recovery begins to produce blood cells and natural find any trace of malignant cells in the case of a response for treatment,

Until recently, all patients who suffer from leukaemia acute spinal advised a cultivation process bone marrow, but today we know that there is a group of patients who could return to the disease exists but it is so small that it does not justify a process of cultivation marrow superpower, at least currently, because the cultivation bone marrow carrying the same risk is not infrequently.

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:

This is the first malignant disease in children, but there are of course many of the adults infected with the disease as well. This disease is more responsive to treatment and the possibility of full recovery from more acute spinal leukaemia.

Symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:

No different symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on the symptoms of acute leukaemia spinal already mentioned, and therefore is accurate diagnosis and distinguish each other from the disease is necessary for the treatment of diseases that vary from one another, in addition to the difference in opportunities to respond to the treatment, and the need for the cultivation of bone marrow .

Diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:

The suspicion generated by the presence of the disease analysis of a number of blood cells and blood-screening slide under the microscope, such as leukaemia acute spinal completely (Fig 2), then bone marrow are being made to ascertain the diagnosis, and then conducted tests on the distinction between acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and cancer of the blood spinal sharp. These examinations include tests for chemical cells, and tests of these features immune cells, and tests Akarmusumaat of these cells.

Biopsies of picture layers of the lymphatic glands acquired Lymphoma-Agdjokin


Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:

Given the availability of effective medicines have good chemical to the disease cells without affecting normal cells significantly different treatment of this disease on the treatment of acute leukaemia fluid, used in treating this disease drugs lead to access to the disappearance of the disease without symptoms become more acute bone marrow failure . But only when such drugs did not affect the normal cells quickly reverts to the disease within a short period and therefore add the type of drugs used in treatment of acute spinal cancer of the blood and therefore get some of the symptoms of the failure of bone marrow cells result of the decline in natural although this decline and these symptoms less severe what is happening in acute spinal cancer of the blood, generally is the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, as measured tables divided into stages include:

1 intensive treatment

2 Protection central nervous system

3 early focus, or re-intensive treatment

4 preserve the results of treatment

In some stages of this treatment weakens the ability of bone marrow cells to produce natural, but it can reduce the dose of certain drugs or postpone some stages of treatment so detailed chance to leave Britain marrow so recovering and then start therapy again. Generally be weak production lower than normal cells occurs during treatment of acute spinal leukaemia, but can get the same complications though to a lesser degree, and then there is a need for antibiotics and the need for blood transfusion and blood platelets, as happens in cases of acute spinal blood.

There are other important Varkan between leukaemia and spinal severe acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, the first being that the latter disease is sometimes in certain places can not give drugs through intravenous reach these places to eradicate the disease and the disappearance of these places is the central nervous system (ie, brain and spinal cord) and male children testicles. It must therefore be given preventive treatment to eradicate the disease in these places and not because the disease from these places.

Second difference is that the treatment of the so-called Al-Hafiz, who is a chemical drugs given by mouth daily or weekly (and sometimes drugs or monthly intervals through intravenous or in the spinal cord), such treatment Hafiz had led to a reduction in the return of the disease after his disappearance, while All studies conducted using Hafiz treatment in acute spinal leukaemia did not lead to any additional benefit.

For the cultivation of bone marrow in cases of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, used this method therapeutic in very limited cases in children because the results that could be obtained without the cultivation of a good comparison spinal acute leukaemia, either in the adult remedial used this method in a larger proportion of children, But that remains a lower rate of acute spinal leukaemia.

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Spinal chronic leukaemia:

This disease is characterized know that we are clearly the only chromosomal imbalance that leads to the emergence of this disease which is the exchange of two pieces from each of the 22.9 chromosome leading to the emergence of chromosome called the Philadelphia chromosome leads to a loss of programmed cell death characteristic and thus the proliferation of white blood cells Unlimited with no loss characteristic excellence, and that these cells appear normal form but very large numbers in bone marrow and blood result in the breakdown of the barrier between the bone marrow and blood.

However, as we stated previously there are a limited area of the bone Britain and the proliferation of white blood cells leads to very weak production of red blood cells and in most cases receive no increase in blood platelets, the cells that produce them also happening with this disease emergence of the production of blood outside the bone marrow usually in the spleen , liver failure and liver functions at least partially. The proliferation of these cells leads to a large consumption of energy production in the body cells and also lead to an increase of the so-called residual metabolic causing some of the symptoms of the disease.

Syndrome chronic spinal leukaemia:

Some patients not have symptoms for a long time, and discover they have the disease coincidence when an analysis of the blood we find a proliferation of white blood cells and when conducting further tests to get this diagnosis. There are no other patients have some light symptoms such as symptoms of anemia (weakness, fatigue, headache, Palpitation heart, shortness of breath at the effort), there have symptoms result of inflation spleen or liver, leading to poor digestion and a sense of fullness when eating simple quantity of food . Some other patients appear to have tumors in different members of the body by producing bone marrow outside natural places.

Diagnosing disease spinal chronic leukaemia:

Give satisfactory picture above with a multiplication in the number of white blood cells and cells neutral constituent suspected presence of a strong disease. Be sure of the diagnostic examinations chemical cells, and chromosomal tests to detect the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome, which is certainly the diagnosis.

Image marrow biopsies for cancer
Treat disease spinal chronic leukaemia:

Can control the symptoms of the disease and the production of cells happened by chemical drugs given through the mouth easily like real estate hydroxy urea Hydroxyurea But get this disease after a period continue to rate from 3 to 5 years to move the process resembles the most subtle and acute leukaemia be less responsive for the treatment of acute leukaemia, which preceded Marrowy chronic leukemia and when it is difficult to control this disease usually leads to death.

During the eighties of the twentieth century discovered that giving injections Antervron subcutaneous doses sufficient happen disappearance of the Philadelphia chromosome that causes the disease, which sent high hopes to get rid of this disease once and for possible later in the same period nearly studies have shown that a growing process of marrow Britain in the early stages of the disease also spoke disappearance of the disease definitively and the disappearance of the chromosome that causes the disease called Philadelphia chromosome The difference is that the drugs given for the drag Antervron several years followed the return of the disease in most cases after stopping the treatment, although some patients remain free of disease, while semi-permanent patients who held them cultivation marrow super rid of this disease once and for all.

Remains to say that during the year 2000 2001 was the announcement of the discovery of a new drug given through the mouth latest jolt in the mass media when the talk revolves around the disposal of this disease once and without the need for the cultivation of bone marrow, and the drug is a drug given by Gelevk mouth called Gleevec, the drug is a drug inhibits the enzyme active resulting from the Philadelphia chromosome but it is too early to say that the drugs actually eliminate the disease because the final examinations molecular nucleic acid in patients who responded to treatment and those who have disappeared manifestations of the disease disappeared chromosome causes of the disease known as Philadelphia chromosome showed that the genetic imbalance still exists in most cases, but that as a result of the success of this treatment significantly to the eradication of the disease molecular imbalance of active enzyme output from the Philadelphia chromosome, we can say that the drug led to the postponement of the decision-growing spinal Britain to a lot of doctors and patients alike around the world, but we are too early to say that the cultivation of bone marrow become indispensable in the final of the disease.

A picture of chronic spinal cancer

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia:

This is a kind of disease lymphatic tumors, which is the low degree of malice and different from the tumour cells that Lyme disease in Almtsrtunh arise in the bone marrow and that they lose the elements that Britain has the spinal cord and thus move from bone marrow into the circulatory system and blood shown in the fact that this disease can coexist with the rights of the drag from 5 15 years, with the presence of health problems requests treatment only in the last years of illness. Given that the disease usually appears in the elderly sixty later, we can say that a lot of patients living with the disease to the end of the age without causing them serious health problems, although it affects of the disease in some cases young people to under forty At that point must be considered a serious disease of the person injured because most of them have hope for themselves the health and wellness (in obedience to God) until the age of advanced age when they can perform their duties domestic see that their sons and daughters have stabilized their life.

Fee illustration of lymphatic cells in Hodgkin disease


Symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia:

Sometimes the patient does not complain of any symptoms, but the disease have discovered when conducting an analysis of blood for other reasons not related to this disease. In some cases, patients complain of the emergence of a contract for lymphadenopathy in the neck and under the armpits or in other places and when treatment is a doctor and some lab tests detected the presence of the disease. In some cases, the disease causes inflation in the spleen combined with the highest being flooded with abdominal symptoms, especially after eating and the presence of pain resulting from inflation spleen, as well as causing the disease in some cases, anemia or a decrease in blood platelets, the index of the transition to the advanced stages of the disease or cause of this vulnerable immune disease with a recurrent bacterial infections as a result of the predominance of cell Almtsrtunh normal lymphatic cells.


Spinal acute leukaemia

Treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia:

As we have stated previously, although proven diagnosis of this disease in some patients, we do not go to treatment immediately if the patient is suffering from the disease in the early stages, because all the means currently available therapeutic failed to prove that they serve no benefit to the patient if used in the early stages and therefore only control the disease periodically to get complications are a result of illness at that therapeutic intervention to deal with complications such as inflation resulting large lymphatic glands, especially if the reason for pressure on the arteries or veins or members of other sensitive or inflation in the spleen or liver, or anemia resulting from the invasion of bone marrow cells Almtsrtunh, or low blood platelets result of the invasion of bone marrow cells Almtsrtunh well. Treatment is usually either by the drugs given through the mouth or daily doses in the form of specific days of the month or in the form of drugs given through the vein for several days and repeated monthly, and treatment usually means that lead to control the disease and its complications so that the patient be hale good and healthy.

In cases of patients with this disease in the age forty or fifty without being contemplated to try to eliminate the disease completely by cultivating bone marrow, as the cultivation of bone marrow synchronizing with the mortality rate of up to 15 20%, the proportion of suffering the symptoms of different diseases by 40 50 % in most cases, this means treatment must be implemented carefully study and conduct only when patients are expected to occur to them fatal complications over a period of 5 to 7 years if, for example, not being cultivated bone marrow.


Foregoing shows us that many types of blood cancer, most cases fall under one of four types mentioned in the knowledge that there are under each type of these species many sub-species, in addition to a species of rare blood cancer that do not fall under one of these four types major and are therefore alone.

Therefore it is important to be accurate diagnosis, which is accessible to conduct laboratory tests of high precision and specialization then placed treatment plan for each individual case.

This has been achieved during the past decades, much progress in the treatment of these diseases have become so curable, but are curable full, which makes this disease does not end once and never return, so has fear of the consequences of these diseases is not justified by current scientific facts that led to this amazing progress in the treatment These diseases, and of course we wish all the people health and safety of every illness especially such new diseases.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer ... Enhance the chances of early detection recovery to 95%

Young man in the second decade of life observed inflation _khasith Yemeni without any pain not overlooked any attention operated daily activities without any concern. After 3 weeks, increased inflation and felt adamantly these testis decided to consult a doctor of the person in the situation Inflammation Epididymitis and dealt with antibiotics for two weeks without any benefit. Under the insistence of his mother, consulted a specialist in Urology and genitals comprehensive examination conducted ultrasonic radiation to the scrotum and testicular cancer in a person right back at the removal of the testis and conducting laboratory analyses on the feature from the human pituitary chorioamnionitis General Beta Beta. Subunit of HCG and protein embryonic General alpha alpha fetoprotein and refreshing hydrogen Allaktat Lactate dehydrogenase in the blood and make finding a ray of the abdomen to determine the degree of maliciousness and Rema and classified as extended and spread to the lymphatic glands and other organs and application processors additional incurable help of God Almighty.

That situation represents a model for some young people injured in this cancer, which is more common with age if they ranged between 18 and 45 years, which is destroying many of whom may not if diagnosed quickly and dealt with by modern medical surgery, which include genocide and chemical treatment that might succeed healing more than 95% of them especially if the early diagnosis and treatment were tumor in the early stages and even after he moved to the lymph glands in many of those cases. Although inflation in the testis or held a solid inside presence without any pain or other symptoms Boulet is usually the case even cancer _khasoi proves the contrary, however, there is a number of other cases may cause benign inflation Al_khasioi Eelam with pain and redness of the skin and sometimes scrotum notably epididymitis, testicular inflammation and Dawali and hernias The elephants also cells and tumor boards and bloody on the testis and Alepeshrani bag that can be excluded by clinical symptoms and laboratory tests and X-ultrasound on the scrotum, particularly testicular examination, which may prove clinically diagnostic even without resorting to ultraviolet voice in some of those cases. If the tumor was diagnosed by a specialist Testicular Urology and reproductive testis removal from the area after the closure Groin visitor and mentioned with vascular tumor is examined to determine its kind Economics determines treatment overtime each of those cases.

Divided categories this to several types of cancer most common aluminum Seminoma by 50% and the rest of tumors including tumor Embryonal activation rate of 10% and tumor Almschi Teratoma by 3% to 5% and Alzaarom chorioamnionitis Choriocarainoma cancer tiny bag Yolk sac tumor in less than 1% of these cases. The presence of tissue-testing proves combination of those groups at 35% of them.

After obtaining the results of the examination and tissue-label, which we discussed previously, the cross-sectional X-lung, stomach and lymph glands, especially around the aorta and intravenous empty coffers and the kidney specialist treatment depending on the type of cancer developed, and how could spread locally and spread. In most cases aluminum Seminoma not widespread or advanced treatment may include follow-up with the review and analysis of all cross-sectional X-month to three months in the early years or the X-medication lymphatic glands on the aorta vein empty containers at the level of kidney treatment or chemical material Krpoblatin Carboplatin single dose or two doses That success is very high exceed 98%. As if re-cancer during the follow-up treatment can be chemically Erpoblatin or radiation therapy with excellent results in most of those cases. The rate of increase in the event of LDH label or Beta-HCG after eradication of the testis or inflation emerged in the lymphatic glands, or an extension to the lungs or other members of his recovery may God Almighty God and chemical treatment in most of those cases, with follow-up clinically and laboratory and radiation in a regular, periodic basis. As if the cancer category-aluminum In the event was confined to the testis removed without any progress Awanchar outside the lymphatic glands with the equator label after eradicated in those cases could pursue those cases forensic laboratory and X-cross-sectional each month to 3 months and for a period of about 5 years at least with the proportion of resuming or impressions or tumor spread to the lymphatic glands, or to other members by about 30%, which may require surgical treatment chemicals and with the rate of survival by about 98%. The deal also those tumors surgery genocide of the lymphatic glands on the aorta and intravenous empty containers at the level of the kidneys and application of chemical treatment if the cancer spread to direct treatment or chemical BEP Bjreitn or more after the successful eradication of the testis with very high for both the means by approximately 98%. It is the misdeeds of surgical treatment they may sometimes cause weakness or lack of defamation with access infertility treatment chemicals while complications in the long run may include syndrome Al Reynolds Raynauld s syndrome and morbidity nervous and cardiovascular disease morbidity and kidney and leukemia. In the event of continuing high label after eradication of the testis with the presence of lymph glands behind the inflated decantation the treatment of those cases include chemical treatment BEP sometimes followed by surgical excision of lymph glands or some Anagael tumor in the lung or liver, if it extended with the hope of survival God willing, by 80%. As in the case of very high label B-HCG or AFP or LDH after eradication of testicular tumor Awantkal to several members, such as the liver, lungs, bones and brain therapy who shall then to use several chemicals with sometimes transplant cells and injected Aljzeih rule GH-CSF for the prevention of serious complications bloody too. The success rate of such remedies in such cases developed normally not exceed 48%.

Fbalkhalas to diagnose testicular cancer most prevalent among young people aged between 15 and 45 years calls for awareness about the likelihood of obtaining and vigilance mechanism encouraging these young _khasithm examined daily and direct without any delay to consult specialist Urology and reproductive if what happened inflation _khasoi painless. Let alone that it might be painful in about 10% of those cases, or the presence of knots or stiffness in one of the testicles. Although most of the scrotum tumors are usually benign but prove it requires clinically examined by a specialist who may also conduct ultrasonic radiation to the scrotum and some additional laboratory analysis. Despite the progress of the very high success rate in dealing with such tumors using surgical and chemical means, with the help of God Almighty, but that the application of the correct diagnosis and treatment ideal for those cases does not lead to a cure, but most also help to maintain the quality of the lives of these young people and to avoid side effects and the complications and consequences that may affect their future and prevent them from enjoying the bright future and good health, fun and a natural ability to reproduce that God wills

Monday, March 10, 2008

lining of the uterus cancer

Cancer of the lining of the uterus

Percentage depends cure cancer lining the uterus after the will of God Almighty on the early detection of disease and accurate diagnosis and begin treatment in a timely manner. Unfortunately, many women ignore signs and symptoms that appear early in the grounds that these problems are temporary changes do not require attention because it does not impede their daily lives and caused suffering disturbing reason may be the shame of these problems presented to the spouse or children responsible for the sponsorship and brought to the hospital for treatment. In many cases due to consult friends and other professionals as well as to shorten and neglect some doctors.

Cancer of the lining of the uterus that is essentially a disease of women over the age of fifty years, after a monthly session lasting and the average age of diagnosis is 65 years. But this disease may occur early in life with about 25% of cases of cancer of the lining of the uterus occurs in women who have not yet 50 years of age.

Women must be very cautious about the signs and symptoms of the disease. These symptoms include unusual bleeding or blood spots after the age of menopause or in the pre-disconnection, in the case of non-break session may occur monthly sessions Tmt heavy bleeding or between sessions. It is known symptoms of a bizarre water and shrimps or white colour of the vagina, as well as pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic region and pain during sex.

For most women infected with uterine endometrial cancer is unusual vaginal bleeding first evidence of the speeches and speaking at a disease that more than 90% of women infected with the disease. As for the discharge of water that precedes the hemorrhage is occurring in approximately 10% of cases, and the more advanced age of women in the vaginal bleeding more likely to have cancer of the lining of the uterus reason. Valenzv at the age of fifty years is only 9% either uterine lining cancer at the age of seventy years the ratio of the probability of 28% either at the age of eighty-year high probability of cancer of the lining of the uterus to 60%.

If it is determined that women infected with cancer of the lining of the uterus, there is a substantial risk that the disease at an early stage and the fact that disclosure improves chances of successfully treating illness, but some cancers uterine lining may reach an advanced stage before they reveal the signs and symptoms, but this is uncommon.

If doubt physician year cancer uterine lining are referring to the consultant diseased tumors women who undertake a comprehensive assessment of the situation from the discussion of health history, including the knowledge age and the number of births and the pattern of the previous session and monthly discomfort in the past and use of any Hormonal treatments prior or current and know the date of commencement of the problem and the symptoms afflicting sick and know no other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure, anemia and kidney and digestive system, urinary and reproductive health knowledge, heart and lung, as well as knowledge of history of domestic patients.

After taking the story sick physician needs to conduct clinical physical examination includes measuring vital factors which measure heartbeat and temperature, blood pressure, respiration and heart and lung examination and empathy for the existence of abdominal masses and discarding or inflation liver and other parts of the abdomen, as well as empathy contract lymphatic doubtful and the basin. May resort physician for a vaginal examination to determine whether the result of bleeding ulcers in the vaginal wall of the vagina result of tissue atrophy because of a lack of the female hormone estrogen after menopause age is often the reason why the hemorrhage in this age, the result of a common vaginal infections because vaginal bleeding does not necessarily mean that the situation because of intra-uterine lining cancer.

The examination also cervix and take a smudge of cells, as well as knowledge of the extent of the tumor to be found. It is possible to take the biopsy of tissue lining the uterus and sent to a specialist pathologist in the diagnosis of the type of disease. But often in older women take these difficult biopsy during this examination and therefore need to rub the uterus under general anesthesia.

After a comprehensive examination conducted laboratory and radiological tests include blood tests to determine census red blood cells and white blood and the level of hemoglobin and blood platelets and functions of the liver and kidneys and X-ray chest and ECG and possibly lung function so as to ensure that the sick can safely undergo surgery.

Can use the X-ray is safe and sound-expansive examination of the uterus and ovaries and fallopian channel, as well as parts invasion in the area surrounding the basin and know whether the tumor exceeded the uterus of parts surrounding it. The sound is an X through the abdomen, but preferably conducted discharge so as to the possibility of giving more information and clear and accurate, perhaps thanks to screening mammograms acoustic vaginal dispense with the routine vaginal examination.

The most important step in the diagnostic biopsy was taken biopsies of the lining of the uterus for analysis by a specialist pathologist, as stated previously this is a direct biopsy during vaginal examinations without recourse to the General anesthesia if easy access to the cervix by the tool to insert tissue, but often, especially in older Persons calls for the examination under general anesthesia.

Having access to diagnose the disease, it is necessary to know the extent of spread of the disease is by conducting cross-sectional X-examination by abdominal and hip as well as chest X-rays in some cases, preferably a magnetic resonance imaging where these images internal organs of the body clearly and provide information not available in other imaging methods and thus used a tool to determine the extent of the growth of endometrial cancer, uterine muscle in the wall of the uterus lining. In some studies show that magnetic resonance imaging is better than tomography to evaluate whether cancer has spread to the walls of the cervix and pelvic (the area around the uterus). Is to know precisely the extent of the disease during the surgical procedure.

There are two goals of surgery in the diagnosis process is used to determine the prevalence of the disease is also used for the surgical treatment of cancer. Often been done dividing abdominal survey. After splitting the opening in the abdomen and the surgeon felt checks abdomen and pelvic area searching for signs of illness and look closely to see if there were any suspicious lesions or tumors outside the uterus, as the surgeon takes samples of the liquid found in the abdominal cavity, known Balsafak to search for cancerous cells.

During this procedure addresses cancer surgeon also Valjraha most commonly based on the eradication of the uterus and cervix and channel tubes and ovaries addition, the contract had eradicated the wounds of the lymphatic basin and area surrounding Balabehr any large container, which provides blood to the abdominal and pelvic lymphatic and the contract is small structures in the form of beads beans exist throughout the body which produce and store cells for fighting inflammation and are often sites of early spread of tumor.

Are sent every fabric rooted through surgery to a specialist pathologist for analysis of this analysis in addition to the notes during surgery allows doctors to determine the group stage of cancer. In cases where the cancer developed uterine lining so very much impossible to eradicate all cancer apparent in these cases doctors may recommend Remedies such as radiotherapy without eradication of the uterus or chemotherapy. In some cases, radiation therapy may be added to the surgical treatment so as to give a better cure rate for advanced stages.

May appear cancer in the uterus lining young women who did not give birth after age did not exceed the age of forty and for the purpose of preserving the uterus and reproductive In these cases are conducting what is known as preventive treatment after it was sure of the type of cancer and stage of degree and not be spread to infect the first phase of deployment knows by means of diagnosis mentioned previously, the most important examination of MRI.

In these cases the discussion is the possibility of success of preventive treatment and the extent of the risk with sick before starting treatment and taking approval of this action. The preventive treatment given daily doses of high hormone known Albroujstron (Palmgiz) for a period ranging from three to six months and required to follow precise clinical examination and X-ray audio and cross-sectional and taking biopsies of the lining of the uterus to determine the impact of preventive therapy.

Overall, the chance of survival from cancer of the uterus lining Most good women are healing and estimated about 85%, but this depends on several factors. For example, three cancers diagnosed are lining of the uterus of every four in the first phase If a diagnosis at the initial stage the rate of escape for five more years and beyond 90%. In addition to tumor stage, the chances of recovery depend on the degree and type of tumor cell. Glandular Valorm uterine endometrial cancer is the most common type and is often diagnosed at an early stage cancers either serological papillae and cell cancers net would often more advanced stage when diagnosed.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer .. Symptoms and prevention

Between cancers that affect the female reproductive tract is the most common uterus, where it is being diagnosed about 40 thousand women in the United States of America cervical cancer each year, but fortunately for a 80 - 85 percent of this disease, God Almighty, detected most cases of cervical cancer before the spread of cancer ectopic when opportunities full recovery cold God very high. Valenzv smears after the age of fifty-menopause is the most common sign of uterine cancer in its early, which usually pays women to review doctor.

Is a member of the uterus grows in hollow inside fetus during pregnancy, the uterus when women are pregnant size and format of the medium-sized pears reversed form. Uterus consists of two parts, two part-like lower neck which extends to the vagina and cervix known as either the upper part of the uterus and the large said, in the name of the body of the uterus, the body has an internal uterine lining know liner uterus and the lining put each end of menstruation cycle section of this lining thick rich blood If Fertilization stick fertilized egg in the lining and grow there. There are two layers of fabric el walls of the uterus and the body of the uterus are the muscle is a thick layer of smooth muscle tissue shrinking during menstruation, as well as during childbirth and over the uterine muscle is no rigid class Fibre thin layer reaches the uterus Ppalarbth supportive. Could arise cancer in the body of the uterus or cervix. The lining of the uterus cancer about 95% of cervical cancers object.

The medical term for cancer is the cancer of the lining of the uterus lining the uterus and within this category there are sub-types were classified according to the appearance of microscopic cells.

One type of cancer of the uterus lining Glandular cancerous tumor is the most common form, as is 80 to 85% of all cases, this type of cancer is often preceded by the situation known as variant Pfert Hip receive an increase in the number of cells in the tissue lining the uterus begins characteristics of abnormal cells Federation of stereotypes.

The cancer oratory inner be more aggressive which is rare fortunately it is less than 5% of the lining of the uterus cancers and unlike most other types of cancer of the lining of the uterus cancer arises oratory usually in the inner lining of the womb inactive (atrophic) and not in the womb lining is the number cells of the uterus.

The cancer cell net, which is considered relatively rarely affects almost 4% of women infected with the disease, however, is one of the most aggressive species, and may contain cancer of the uterine lining or more types of cells, each of which constitutes 10% or more of the tumor, known cancer timely cancer cell Mixed. It is interesting that almost 10% of women living with cancer uterine lining and is owned by the mixed cell type. There are very rare forms of cancer of the uterus lining Almkhatini include cancer, cancer, cancer Mahrishv-Premier affects each and every one of these species approximately 1% of women living with cancer uterine lining.

The uterine lining cancer is the most common form in the female reproductive tract is also the fourth most common cancer among American women after breast cancer, lung cancer and colon and rectum cancer, we have reduced the number of new cases of cancer of the uterus lining steadily between mid-seventies and mid-eighties of the twentieth century, but The cases increased between the mid-eighties and in 2000, and increased deaths from the disease prominently exceeding weakness subject of this significant rise in cancer mortality uterine lining as some studies have shown that this relationship of the growing use of the hormone estrogen without the use of hormone Albroujstron so as to alleviate the signs and symptoms The problems associated with the attainment of the age of maturity of women after age fifty years, but the use Hermonin together reduces the risk of uterine cancer.

Cancer of the lining of the uterus occurs usually after the age of fifty years and affects women between the ages of 50 and 70 years. But may occur at an early age, where about 25% of cancers occur in the lining of the uterus women younger than 50 years or 40 years without women, it is a rare happening constitutes only 2 to 5 percent of all cases. Cancer of the uterus lining that is common in white women more than twice when the Black race and women of other ethnic groups in the United States but deaths from cancer of the uterus lining is the highest among other ethnic minorities.

Causes cancer, uterine lining

Grow cells divided and sound manner to keep the body functioning normally but this process are carefully organized defect sometimes, where cells in the division while there is no need for new cells, and this is cancer. Cancer in the lining of the uterus cancer malignant cells arise in the internal lining of the womb and Endocrine knows exactly why the emergence of these cancer cells are known to be increasing exposure to the female hormone estrogen plays a key role in the emergence of many cancers of the lining of the uterus where this hormone increase the proliferation of cells and divides more rapidly and result the absence of a counter balance of hormone Albroujstron know what happens Pfert Altsenj and therefore mistakes happen in the d n occurs a shift to malignant cells.

It is known risk factors for the occurrence of cancer of the uterus lining progress age women and the average age at diagnosis is 60 years ..

It is a known risk factors session at an early age and break the delayed until after the age of fifty, which leads to exposure of the uterus hormonal changes for longer than normal women who happen to have menstrual age known and interrupted after the age of fifty and reduces frequent pregnancy and birth of this increasingly at risk women with the number of births little or no bearing at all .. And increase the chances of this problem when the women who suffer from retinal cortex especially lecturers did not happen pregnancy with a view to increasing the production of excessive hormone estrogen in this situation and with a lower risk pregnancies.

The presence of benign tumors in the ovaries producing hormone estrogen increase the risk of endometrial cancer of the uterus .. The use of alternative hormone estrogen only causes more cancer uterine lining.

The use of the treatment Altamokesfin Defensive return of breast cancer known causes of changes in the tissues lining the uterus and therefore a cancer of the uterus, therefore, must be used on all patients taking this hormone treatment to counter hormone estrogen, a hormone Albroujstron examinations periodically taking biopsies of the lining of the uterus .. The weight gain and diabetes and high diabetes and high blood pressure, fat-rich food factors also known to increase the incidence of endometrial cancer of the uterus.

The presence of the risk factor of one or more particular problem does not mean that women Stsab disease, most women who have known risk factors for cancer of the uterus lining is becoming ever this cancer at the same time there are many women who are infected actually cancer in the lining of the uterus have the risk factors causing fundamental him .. In most cases, doctors could not explain why another woman presented him .. But if women were highly prone to cancer of the uterus lining, it is important to undergo annual physical examination and recognize signs and symptoms early to avoid the serious consequences if the disease was discovered in the advanced stages.

Unfortunately, most cases of cancer occur uterine lining for unknown reasons or for reasons beyond the control of women, but women can do some things that may reduce the risk of being infected with the disease.

Addressing Albroujstron or any form of industrial hormone "Albroujstin" with the hormone estrogen protects the lining of the uterus, so the treatment of containing the hormones estrogen and Albroujstron together reduces the risk of uterine endometrial cancer compared with the use of estrogen alone and must use Albroujstron for 10 days at least every month for This protection and synthetic drugs containing new daily dose of estrogen and Albroujstin at the same time. But we must also point out that at present there are many caveats to use alternative hormones without consulting the competent doctor and follow the instructions carefully and accurately.

And evaluate hormone Albroujstin Party Hip also occurring in the lining of the uterus and therefore reduces the risk of development of malignant cells.

One of the most important factors of disease prevention is to educate women and health knowledge of disease and risk factors that will help to happen to that women can avoid these risks and to address any unusual path in the pattern of monthly session early and proper medical consultations in a timely manner without delay and delay in the referendum request case of a vaginal hemorrhage unnatural.

, As well as attention to nutrition and good health over diets rich in fat and preserving the non-overweight to avoid obesity, which increases the risk of infection.

It must follow arterial blood pressure and blood sugar levels and take appropriate treatment because they are part of known risk factors.