Saturday, February 2, 2008


What is cancer and what types and methods of treatment

The human body is composed of cells in different forms and functions. In each cell contains a simplified on the cover and outside the nucleus, and nucleus reservation background of the cell. This information, in fact, be present in the DNA molecule DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid. Containing DNA on chromosome 26, which in turn is composed of millions of genes. These genes are determined by the system and the functioning of the cell.

During some of our body cells die naturally by the body to compensate the shortage of cells by division. When the cell division producing another copy of the DNA and then divided into two cells. This is what happens in the cell in a simplified terms, the process of division is more complicated than that. Usually occurs regularly cell division so that our bodies growth or to replace or repair damaged tissues. When cells operate as planned, we enjoy good health but when we upset that the sick. In the case of cancer cells grow abnormally and compensation instead of only damaged cells, those cells multiply greatly and without interruption trespassing on the injured member of the so-called Balorm problem.
Tumors that result from the imbalance of two types:

Tumor offices (non-cancerous Benign): They are usually wrapped film and non-proliferation of, but some may cause problems for the patient, especially if a member of the large-scale and impact of the pressure on the injured member or members nearby, which prevents them from working normally. These tumors can be removed with surgery or drugs or radiation treatment for miniaturization and sufficient for the terminal and often do not come back again.

Malignant neoplasms (cancer Malignant): It is the subject of the site. Tumor attack and destroy the cancer cells and tissue surrounding it with a high capability to deploy. They are three ways

Proliferation of direct and members of the surrounding tissues member injured
Through the lymphatic system.
Through blood cell as inseparable (or cells) of the cancerous tumor first Primary and transmitted through blood or organ co other members as far settles somewhere - mostly members of rich blood like lung, liver or lymphatic contract - causing the growth of cancerous tumors again Secondary called secondary neoplasm.

Cancer is a group of diseases (more than 100 disease) are similar in some characteristics with each other, because the cancer has been called the bulging blood vessels around the tumor resembles lobster parties. This disease or these diseases result from the exit of the cell of control. No change in the cell what it is outside the control system that controls the work of the cell as in the cells of sound. There are more than theory attributed to the cause of the beginning of cancer in the body. The first error occurred in the DNA division at the situation of the so-called "turnover" or mutation. The incidence of error in DNA at the division over the increasing exposure to carcinogens such as tar in cigarette smoke. Many of these different causes errors occur in the human body but the immune system in the body recognized by the cells differentiated from the rest is destroyed. Sometimes the immune system fails to identify these cells to similarities with the rest of cell division is responsible for the existence and cause cancer.
One modern theories say that the reason is that there is a simple genetic defect could not immune system of observation and the imbalance over time causing the cell to control the exit and then the emergence of cancer. This theory explains the emergence of certain types of tumors in more than one individual from the same family.

Carcinogens causes cancer:
Whether there was a genetic defect or not, there are known to cause cancer and is divided into three sections:
Physical carcinogenic particles such as radioactive isotopes, ultraviolet and some metal-fibre Mineral fibers. The radioisotopes action holes of nucleic acid when subjected to causing disorder in the organization of genes. Come isotopes of X-rays, cosmic rays that reach the Earth and radon gas (found naturally in the earth variable rates) so indirectly. The ultraviolet radiation, which comes from the sun in conjunction causing some proteins in DNA at the time must not be so causing an imbalance in the DNA. Some metal fibers such as asbestos cause of the destruction of nucleic acid directly because of the large size.
Chemicals such as the Benzopyrene carcinogen found in cigarette smoke and the vinyl chloride used in the plastic industries where qualities associated with DNA, causing imbalance.
Carcinogenic biological agents such as viruses or bacteria which cause an imbalance in the cell to turn into a cancer cell. Examples of viruses from the human papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer, hepatitis B virus (hepatitis B virus), which causes liver cancer is the most common type of cancer among men in Saudi Arabia. One type of bacteria helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach cancer.
Cancer passes through growth in the three major phases:
Home (Initiation): This is the first step towards the formation of tumor begin at the level of cell simple change in their work and the way to control this work materials that cause this initially called carcinogenic substances (carcinogens).

Evolution (Progression): tumor composed by one cell and have success in growth and division of cells at the expense of the other, and in this stage can be seen Mkroskubia

Clinical tumor (Clinical): Here is a large tumor size and if not addressed will continue to grow and destroy surrounding tissue and possibly spread to distant members.

Cancer also reminded not one disease, is the set of diseases vary cells that give rise to. Marks and they differ from each other in its rapid growth and some other slow, some fast spreading and the other does not spread rapidly. But each type of these species have similar properties with different patients.
Cancer treatment varies depending on the type of tumor or member injured. In general, the main highways for the treatment of cancer is surgery and the removal of the member or infected tissue, radiotherapy using radiation to treat tumor, chemotherapy drugs using chemical and hormonal treatment, using hormones for certain types of cancer and running of these roads Baltvsi

Definition of brain cancer:

Division is not normal and irregular cells of the brain both in the brain, spinal cord or Cerebellum, which causes compaction of the parts of the brain other and therefore loss of one of the senses or weakness.
And primary brain tumors (ie originating original brain) are very rare, unlike secondary brain tumors, which are caused by the spread of the disease from other members of the body and leading to the brain.

Brain tumors, whether benign or malignant cause similar symptoms, which vary according to place of the brain. One of these symptoms:

1. Headache, which particularly affects the person morning.
2. Nausea and vomiting.
3. A just get cramps.
4. The vulnerability of certain parties Kalalouet or legs.
5. Some senses weakness or vulnerability.

No reasons known until now.

Action-ray finding of the head to confirm the existence of tumor after working clinical examination. The examination of the nervous system is important in order to know where the infection of the brain.

On the other tests can be done is injected material colored in one artery feeding the brain imaging head and then show where all the arteries there. This examination is normally if there is an intention to undergo surgery to eradicate the tumor

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention to eradicate the tumor if localized to remove the pressure on other parts. But sometimes it is difficult to process if the tumor near the site of vital important in the brain.

2. Radiotherapy.

3. Chemotherapy with interest that limited him since the drugs can not enter the brain through blood vessels but can be injected drug in the cerebrospinal fluid.

No methods of prevention for the lack of knowledge of the causes or the factors leading to it.

The most important types of brain tumors:
• Gliomata
• Glioblastoma Multiform
• Astrocytoma
• Acoustic Neurinoma
• Meningioma
• Pitutary Tumours
• secondary transitions to other tumors such as lung cancer or breast cancer.

Definition of oral cancer:

Is the growth of abnormal and uncontrolled lined by cells of the oral cavity.

1. The emergence of mouth ulcer is healed or bleeding easily.
2. The emergence of a small area tumor or red or white permanently in the mouth.
3. Difficulty in chewing or swallowing.
4. Inflammation of the throat.
5. Be identified in the tongue or jaws, and the sense of confusion when a narrow set artificial teeth.
6. Rarely be one of the symptoms of pain oral cancer in the early stage.

1. Smoking and tobacco use (which chewed and stored in the mouth).
2. Dealing khat.
3. Drinking alcohol, and since it is often accompanied by excessive smoking, the combination of the two suspected it increases the risk of mouth cancer.
4. Alsekar and pipe smoking, which increases the likelihood of cancer lips.

Taking a sample of tumor or ulceration found in the mouth and examined under a microscope.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention.
2. Radiotherapy.

1. Stay away from smoking, as well as dealing khat.
3. Avoid drinking alcohol.

Definition nasal pharynx cancer:

Is the growth of abnormal and uncontrolled lined by cells of the nasal pharynx (which is located in the back cavity nasal cavity and deliver the nasal cavity and the end of oral cavity and his home delivery of air through the nose to the upper parts of the respiratory system in the process Sniffling and vice versa in the process Exhaling). This growth leads to clogging cavity and then move to nearby parts and membrane then move across the lymphatic glands in the neck and sometimes spreading tumor in various body organs, especially the liver and bone.

1. Headache.
2. Change in vision.
3. Blockage of the nose.
4. Bleeding from the nose.
5. Numbness in the face.
6. Mother in the neck.
And not necessarily that the patient complains of all these symptoms, but often short on the complaint offer or two. It is also important that these symptoms may also appear in the cases of inflammation of the throat or tonsillitis.

No specific reason, but smoking and alcohol of the most important reasons associated with this type of cancer.

1. Action-ray finding of the head and neck.
2. Taking a sample of membrane lined the nasal pharynx.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention if it is possible to eradicate the injured part.
2. Chemotherapy.
3. Radiotherapy.
4. It must consult a dentist if necessary to take any precautions.

No methods of prevention but it refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol contributes to reducing the incidence.

Definition of lung cancer:

Is the growth of certain cells of the class lined township by air faster than the natural rate and irregularly, leading to the accumulation and an overlap in the graduation process Mucus, and develop some cells multiplying rapidly and become malignant. These cells rushing and destroys the normal cells, and lead to the capture Mucus in the lung. Cancer cells and formed bloc or is filled trachea, and is one of the major causes of death of men and women in most industrialized countries.

1. Shortness of breath.
2. Difficulty in getting sputum from the trachea.
3. Chronic cough.
4. Exit blood with sputum.
5. Did (rarely).
6. Significant shortfall in weight, without apparent reason with stress.
7. Voice in the chest while breathing (wheezing).
8. Difficulty in swallowing result tumor pressure on the oesophagus.

1. Smoking, which proved that smokers are more easily than others to lung cancer.
2. High rate of pollution in the air.

1. Action-ray chest.
2. Sputum examination under a microscope.
3. Telescope to numb air Bronchoscopy.
4. Ray finding.
5. Taking a sample of tumor by the needle.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Alasetsal surgery if possible.
2. Radiotherapy and expose the cancer of X-rays.
3. Chemotherapy is important for some types of lung cancer and is used in conjunction with other treatments if there are movements outside of the lung cancer.

1. Stay away from smoking.
2. Separating factories from the city where residents live.

Definition of breast cancer:

Is one of the most common cancers among women which often happens after the age of fifty, but this does not mean that he may not appear at an early age. Also machines emergence of this disease in men, but in very few compared to women.

Unknown factors, but there is help to visit their risk of infection by the presence of the disease in one of the relatives (of those who have suffered their mothers or sisters tumor this habit of self-examination).
There is the potential to increase the incidence of the disease in women who had their first pregnancy after the age of thirty. Also smoking and excessive alcohol is a factor que believed to be linked to the disease.

Not every change in the breast tumor is not all tumor is malignant, but they should not be neglected any tumor or change in the form of breast It is important to review whether the doctor noted:
• emergence bloc in the breast
• increase in the thickness of the breast or axilla
• discharge from the Nipple
• contraction Nipple
• localized pain in the breast
• change in the size or form of breast
Note that some of these changes occur naturally in pregnancy or breast or before and after menstruation for some women.

The importance of early detection for breast cancer cure rate that exceeded 95%, God willing, if tumor in the early stages .. But delaying diagnosis this percentage drops to only 25% ..

Is early diagnosis of breast cancer using the following steps:
• monthly self-examination of the breast for those over the age of forty women
• X-ray of breast Mammography every two years for women over fifty.

Methods of Treatment:
There are four ways to treat the disease either surgery or chemotherapy or not Radial or hormone, the doctor may use a method or more of these ways, depending on the nature of tumor terms that the plan of treatment depends on the type of tumor, size, stage and age and condition of ailing health,
Usually eradicate the tumor or the entire breast, with or without a contract Lyme in the first stage Armpit This follows chemotherapy and radiation treatment for some patients or radiation treatment only, depending on the situation.

Chemotherapy (chemotherapy): The chemotherapy using a vehicle of drugs and chemicals which have impact on cancer cells is stronger than it sound cells, and treatment is either in the form of intravenous injections or pills in the mouth, and side effects of treatment falling hair, vomiting, diarrhoea But all these effects temporary. Also had because of the low number of white blood cells and therefore are usually blood testing constantly advised to stay away from the complain of infectious diseases such as influenza if the number of white blood cells is low ..

Radiation therapy radiotherapy - Radiotherapy: The radiotherapy using intense X-ray high-capacity, and the impact of these errors on the high radiation cancer as they are more sensitive to radiation than normal cells and recover more slowly, and the treatment is usually either 20 or 25 meetings radiation (depending on the situation ) Each meeting will last for less than 10 minutes note that the same treatment during the meeting may not take more than two minutes.

Expected side effects of treatment are usually simple them
• inflammation of the skin treatment, it is necessary not to use soap or any kind of creams on the area during the period of treatment therapy
• General feeling stress, anorexia, all these effects occur during meetings and usually disappear after two weeks from the end of treatment.

Hormone therapy (Hormone Therapy): This treatment begins after the end of radiotherapy given to some patients who are over the age of fifty .. Not all patients in need of treatment neuroendocrine note that this treatment may continue for life.

Definition of stomach cancer:

Is the growth of abnormal and uncontrolled lined by cells of the wall of procedure prepared.

Stomach cancer is difficult to diagnose at an early stage and that the length of time between the appearance of cancer and the beginning of symptoms, and is included:
1. Swollen stomach.
2. Weight loss.
3. Anemia and fatigue.
4. Constant pain does not respond to treatment.
5. Vomiting.

1. The presence of benign tumors neuralgia.
2. Stomach remaining after partial eradication of the stomach.
3. Self autoimmune gastritis.
4. Infection difficulty digesting the long term.
5. The presence of Vitamin ulcer does not heal.
6. Genetic composition and has found that a higher proportion of stomach cancer occur in people with blood type (a).

1. Ray prepared to work after drinking rule colored white Barium.
2. Telescope designed to work.
3. Action ultrasonic rays of the belly.
4. Taking a sample of tumor (through the work of the telescope) and examined under the microscope.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention: and be either a partial removal of localized cancers designed for the removal of the stomach or fully deployed in the event of cancers.

2. Palliative surgery: City of work such as metal, and can alleviate suffering in cases clogging the touching contagious develop plastic pipes across tumor.

3. Chemotherapy is used to eliminate the limited transport cancer in other organs.

1. Away from the causes of stomach ulcer and is not smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee drinking heavily, eat constantly warm spices, many deep emotion.

Definition of pancreas cancer:

Is the growth of abnormal and uncontrolled by the pancreas cells, and be either in the head or the body or pancreas tail.

There is a certain symptoms and the reason for the difficulty in diagnosing it, but it may be sometimes try to picture inflammation of the bitterness and pain at the top of the abdomen accompanied with bitterness.

Believe that there is substance in the body play a role in the emergence and growth of cancer cells and the continuation of the Pancreas and is the NF-Kappa B. As is alcoholism and acute pancreas causes important happens.

1. Action ultrasonic rays of the belly.
2. Action-ray finding of the mother.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical excision in 10% to 15% of cases only.
2. Bsitapin chemotherapy (Gemzar).

No methods of prevention.

Definition of liver cancer:

Is the growth of abnormal and irregular cells of the liver tumor in the event was a first, but if it is secondary diffuse another member of the body, leading to the liver.

1. Yellow body and eyeball eye.
2. Mother at the top of the abdomen.
3. Loss of appetite and weight.
4. Nausea and vomiting.
5. Rise in temperature.
6. Feeling tired and inaction.

1. SSPE viral hepatitis B or C.
2. Drink alcohol frequently.

1. Action-ray finding of the mother.
2. Action radiology magnetism.
3. Analysis of blood.
4. Paljaleom examination of irradiated It is important to distinguish between tumors and other diseases which may affect the liver.
5. Taking a sample of tumor and study it under a microscope.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention if the disease localized in one breast or liver.
2. Chemotherapy through intravenous or directly to the liver artery statute.
3. Radiotherapy treatment polite.
4. Freeze tumor treatment.
5. Liver implants.

1. Lack of exposure to hepatitis B or C, so by taking caution when transferring blood, and non-use of injections used before. Most importantly, take the vaccine on hepatitis epidemic.
2. Avoid drinking alcohol.

Definition of colon and rectum cancer :

Start all types of colon cancer, rectum Bslelat buccal benign. And composed-malignant tumors in the intestinal wall heavy and may get worse in size and eventually turn into cancer. And the eradication of Sulailat offices is one of aspects of preventive medicine that achieves good results.

1. An oven of the straight.
2. Changes in bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhoea. (These symptoms also when other diseases, therefore, should be conducted comprehensive examinations if such symptoms occurred).
3. Abdominal pain.
4. Underweight and are showing symptoms of late and are usually refers to the possibility of spread of the disease.

1. The presence of colon cancer, rectum, Sulailat membranes in the family history.
2. Inflammation of personal injury and ulcerative colitis Sulailh coliform or cancer in the other members, especially the breast and uterus.
3. There is a belief that hemorrhoids lead to colon cancer and is believed erroneous.
Hemorrhoids may show symptoms similar Balslelat membranes or colon cancer, appeared If such symptoms should go to the doctor for examination and evaluation, preferably retreat specialist surgery for the disclosure and some analysis and perspective of Colon.

1. Telescope full of Colon.
2. Action ultrasonic radiation through the anus of tumors straight.
3. Action-ray finding abdominal and pelvic with the need to use an Worede of gastroenteritis.
4. Action ray Magnattsih Basin (if available).

Methods of Treatment:
1. Colon tumors: the eradication of tumor and adjacent lymphatic glands. After recovery of the process and see the result of microscopic examination might give chemical treatment of the patient if spread of the tumor lymphatic glands.

2. Oram straight: Most cases require chemotherapy and radiation may give patients chemotherapy after the operation if the spread of the tumor lymphatic glands. And the best way to eradicate the surgery is straight with the surrounding area which is the fat surrounding the joys and graduated as one and then delivered by anal canal colon tumor site.

Regain some 80-90% of patients recover fully if the cancer was detected and treated in the early stages. But the cure rate drops to 50% or less if the diagnosis at a later stage. As a result of what modern technology reached less than 5% of all colon cancer patients and the need for a straight slot Mphagrh (discharge orifice is industrial development of surgical colon).

1. Remove Sulailat offices by conceptualize colon, in addition to doing a thorough and comprehensive examination of the intestines heavy.

2. Diet may play an important role in preventing colon cancer, rectum. To our knowledge, the little fat rich food fibre food is the only way that might Taqi rights of colon cancer, rectum.

3. It should be noted changes in bowel habits and make sure an examination of the intestines into the regular medical examination which is usually once a person has become the category of persons most susceptible to the disease.

Definition of cancer Urinary Bladder :

Is the uncontrolled growth and the irregular cells lined the Ureter or bowel tract, resulting in the accumulation of cells and thus clogging of the Ureter.

1. The presence of blood with urine.
2. Feeling the need for frequent urination and the inability to do so.
3. Pain in the back or abdomen accompanied by contractions in Milker.
4. Weakness in the exit of urine with severe burning.
5. Anemia and underweight.
6. Stress quickly.

1. Smoking.
2. Incidence of recurrent urinary tract infections.
3. Infection rates.
4. Aniline exposure of the material used in dyes and printing.

1. Screening urine.
2. Action ultrasonic rays of bowel.
3. Action abdominal X-ray and noon.
4. Action ray character.
5. Telescope work of the bowel.
6. Taking a sample of the tumor and study it under a microscope.
7. Action-ray finding.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention in: either tumor removal or Milker injured or in severe cases eradicate the urinary bladder.
2. Chemotherapy.
3. Radiotherapy.

1. Stay away from smoking.
2. Treatment of urinary tract infections and not neglected.
3. Taking caution not infection rates.
4. Take caution when exposure to dyes and printing.

Definition of ovarian cancer:

Ovary cells begin to grow in a non-regular and that leads to a good ovarian tumors or cancer.
And most ovarian cancers grow in the crust Foreign covering bleached, and some grow in the cells that excreta eggs and others grow in the tissues that hormones norepinephrine.

1. The presence of abdominal tumor with pain.
2. Emphysema, indigestion and nausea.
3. Underweight unknown reason.
4. Feeling pressure on the bladder and members located in the abdominal region.
5. Change in the nature of the bowel such as maintenance or diarrhea.

definition of uterus lining Cancer:

Is the growth of irregular cells lined the womb, which may later turn to cancer.

1. Severe and constant drain for a long time for women over the age of forty.
2. Abdominal pain and cramps down in the tub.
3. Rahmi drain with unusual changes in the monthly and may be in the form of vaginal bleeding for women after the age of menopause.

1. Obesity.
2. Hypertension.
3. Multiple vesicles in the ovaries.
4. Diabetes.
5. Monthly start of the session early and late age of menopause.
6. Women who do not become pregnant at all and who suffer infertility for any reason and not waiting pregnancy.
7. Ladies who contracted by the general prognosis Fibre invasion.
8. Increase the level of estrogen, a hormone that address hormones estrogen in the treatment of symptoms of the industrial age of menopause.
9. Anaemia result of a continuing drain Rahmi.

1. Vaginal examination for cervical screening in terms of size and format and examine members neighbours.
2. Conduct the expansion of the cervix and taking a sample of membrane lined wall of the uterus and lab tests.
3. Action-ray finding.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention: and that the removal of the uterus, ovaries and Fallopian tube and neighbouring lymphatic glands.
2. Chemotherapy.
3. Radiotherapy.

1. Periodic medical examinations after the age of continuous session.
2. When dealing with Ms. Bhrmon estrogen and feel any of the previous symptoms to consult a doctor immediately.
1. The presence of breast or ovarian cancer in the family history.
2. Non-pregnancy and lactation failure.
3. Use drugs for the treatment of infertility for a long period of time.
4. Exposure to a large amount of hormone Jawnadotrobin which stimulates the ovary to produce estrogen, which in turn stimulate the ovarian cells to divide, which has become uneven.

1. Vaginal examination and examination of the rectum and stomach.
2. Action ultrasonic rays of the basin.
3. Blood screening is very important to diagnose the disease with high percentage factor protein called Ca 125 in the blood by great ladies who are infected ovarian cancer.
4. Telescope work through the abdomen and took a sample for examination under a microscope.
5. Action-ray finding.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention and that the removal of ovaries and Fallopian tube, uterus and lymphatic glands, and part of neighbouring membrane fatty Balambbin in the Pacific basin.
2. Chemotherapy.
3. Radiotherapy.

Definition of cervical cancer:

Cervical cancer occurs when the cells begin to change the nature and function of cells and destroying a result of this situation leads to faltering growth of these cells and normal occurrence of cancer, which extends its influence to the adjacent tissue.
When these changes begin to occur in cancer are limited in the outer layer of the cervix for a period ranging from 2 - 10 years before it starts to attack the deep layer of the cervix and then begin to attack the tissues and members of neighbouring womb and the bladder and rectum.

1. Vaginal secretions may not have a color or accompanied by blood and not accompanied by itching.
2. Drain blood after sex.
3. Pain during sex.

1. Smoking.
2. Use of contraceptive pills for a long time.
3. Multiple sexual practices illegal.
4. Herpeticum or syphilis infection.

1. Taking a sample of the cervix and examined lab to confirm the presence of cancer cells or not.
2. Urologic imaging with the use of colored Barium.
3. Colon imaging with the use of colored Barium.
4. Action-ray finding.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention eradicate cervical and uterine sometimes.
2. Radiotherapy external and internal to the cervix.

Prevention methods:
1. Stop smoking.
2. Reducing the use of contraceptive pills for a long time.
3. Not to exercise sexually illegal to avoid infection with viruses that could destroy the cells of the cervix.
4. Do periodic vaginal examination for the diagnosis of any changes that may occur in the cervix early.

Definition of testicular cancer:

There are two forms of malignant tumours of the testis, tumors sperm (Seminomas) and tumour others Sperm "genetic" (Teratomas). And start irregular cells divide, which can not control resulting in a tumor.
60% sperm tumors arise from the sperm cells channels and is usually between 30-40 years of age, a relatively slow growth, and a solid tumor cells and cells differ good differentiation Sperm cells differentiated non-circular.
The embryonic tumors 40% are occurring in the younger age group and peak occurrence between 20-30 years, and the exact origin of the situations is unknown, but thought that they arise from cells Sperm less differentiated and have a clear manifestation Casey, and was called in the past fibrosis disease Fibrosis.

1. Show testicular tumors usually in the form of non Testicle swollen and painful harsh, and may contain liquid sometimes bleeding.
2. Rarely shows emphysema growing quickly and painfully, which is diagnosed in error that Bal_khasih inflammation.
3. Appear sometimes abdominal mass due to the infection contract Lyme collar, or inflated contract Lyme bronchiolitis.

Has no known cause, but factors that increase the sapling injury is not going down the testis from the abdomen to the scrotum after birth.

1. Action ultrasonic radiation.
2. Action-ray finding abdominal and pelvic.
3. Analysis of the blood to determine the level of signs tumor AFP and HCG.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention: the removal of testis after taking a sample in the operations room and sent to the test sample frozen and if it is the presence of tumor eradication.
2. Radiotherapy of tumors sperm.
3. Chemotherapy for tumors genetic.

Definition of leukaemia:

Is a type of cancer that grows in which white blood cells proliferate and can be controlled, also called the disease (leukemia), where white blood cells grow and invade abnormal tissue and blood, and it depends on the production of bone marrow cells, leading to natural poverty blood.

1. Inflation spleen.
2. Inflation of the liver with inflation Alimfawih glands.
3. Anemia and ease any acute infection.
4. Drain rapidly from any place of the body, especially the gums.
5. Recurrence of the infection.

1. Exposure to industrial materials, such as gasoline.
2. Exposure to chemical drugs.
3. Exposure to high levels of radiation.
4. Some virus infection in childhood age.
5. The presence of some genetic disorders, as in children with acquired DUINGT Down's Syndrome.
6. The defects in the chromosomes.

1. Analysis of blood work and a special screening of white blood cells.
2. Take a sample of bone marrow.
3. Taking a sample of cerebral spinal fluid through the needle between paragraphs afternoon.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Chemotherapy.
2. Radiotherapy of the whole body.
3. Succumb to the process of bone marrow transplants.

Prevention methods:
Taking prudent not to be subjected to radiation or exposure to chemicals that cause cancer.

1.Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL).
2.Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
3. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
4.Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML).

Definition Lymphoma:

Tumours were established at the expense of immune cells and lymphatic Allimvuma divided into two types, namely, Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's, it seems that these tumors is steadily increasing, especially in the Arab region and the Mediterranean basin, indicating environmental reasons help to increase the occurrence and prepare for Hodgkin's most Imfuma Tewarda They talked with about 75% of Allimvuma and is the most serious and often injuries in the younger age groups are about the age of puberty.

1. High heat and sweating motorcycle and special night.
2. Underweight by more than 10% within six months.
3. Inflation in any gathering of the lymphatic glands in the neck and often that is without pain.
4. Symptoms spread of the disease, which is the pressure on other member difficulty swallowing whether the glands, which features on the oesophagus.
5. Fatigue and general weakness.

1. HIV Abustan Bar (Epstein Barr Virus).
2. Exposure to chemicals.

1. Clinical examination.
2. Analysis of blood for the proportion of lymphatic cells.
3. Examine the functions of the liver.
4. Taking a sample of lymphatic glands inflated and examined under a microscope.
5. Action-ray chest.
6. Finding work ray chest and abdomen.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Chemotherapy.
2. Radiotherapy.

Prevention methods:
Taking caution not exposure to chemicals.

Definition of bone cancer:

There are two types of bone cancer, bone cancer, which arises in the first bone itself: inflation is shown in any part of the bone, called malignant tumor in the connective tissue and is an cancers composed and controlled the bone, cartilage and muscle tissue or fibrous or fatty tissues or nervous.
Secondary bone cancer: cancer that is spreading from the original position of the tumor (breast, lung, etc. ..) to another part of the body, and can be integral cancer cells from the original tumor and travel through the body through blood or organ lymphoblastic (although Most cancer cells travel through the blood stream) and when that happens can stick a new location of the body and start a new multiple-date growth in the new location.

1. Mother in the bone.
2. Inflation bones.
3. Easily break bones in the joints.
4. Fatigue and anemia.
5. High heat.
6. Weight loss.

1. Exposure to chemicals and radiation.
2. BORMES injury Hamid bones before.

1. X-ray work of tumor location.
2. Action-ray finding.
3. Action-ray MRI.
4. Taking a sample of tumor and examined sample frozen.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention: the removal of the tumor.
2. Chemotherapy.
3. Radiotherapy.

Prevention methods:
Taking precautionary no exposure to radiation and chemicals.

Definition of skin cancer:

There are three types of malignancies affecting the skin, are: basal cell tumor - squamous cell cancer - Almlanoma.
Common type is basal cell tumor and begin a lump or swelling and small shrimps grows slowly, and invade surrounding tissues sound, but the Aintkl.
And squamous cell cancer comes in the form of inflation or lump in the skin, swelling and then being eroded and the ulcer-crust, such moves in some cases.
The third type is Almlanoma, the most serious types of skin cancer, because it often causes infection and move elsewhere, and is the body begins to Nevus or halo, electrical or fester and grow and then the crust and bleeding, was shown on Birthmark area or red patches structure or a white, and it may be flat or high tumor on the surface of the skin and varies in size and color.

Lentigo emergence protrusions or on the skin.

1. Exposure to Ultra violet rays from the sun and, through sun baths or for those who require them that their work.
2. Frequent exposure to X-rays.

Taking a sample of Jag or Birthmark that appeared on the skin and examined under a microscope.

Methods of Treatment:
1. Surgical intervention eradicate the injured part.
2. Radiotherapy.

Prevention methods:
1. Lack of exposure to the sun especially in times of noon.
2. Condom use cream of the sun.
3. Drinking tea lemons that, according to some studies reduces the incidence of skin cancer.

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