Cervical cancer .. Symptoms and prevention
Between cancers that affect the female reproductive tract is the most common uterus, where it is being diagnosed about 40 thousand women in the United States of America cervical cancer each year, but fortunately for a 80 - 85 percent of this disease, God Almighty, detected most cases of cervical cancer before the spread of cancer ectopic when opportunities full recovery cold God very high. Valenzv smears after the age of fifty-menopause is the most common sign of uterine cancer in its early, which usually pays women to review doctor.
Is a member of the uterus grows in hollow inside fetus during pregnancy, the uterus when women are pregnant size and format of the medium-sized pears reversed form. Uterus consists of two parts, two part-like lower neck which extends to the vagina and cervix known as either the upper part of the uterus and the large said, in the name of the body of the uterus, the body has an internal uterine lining know liner uterus and the lining put each end of menstruation cycle section of this lining thick rich blood If Fertilization stick fertilized egg in the lining and grow there. There are two layers of fabric el walls of the uterus and the body of the uterus are the muscle is a thick layer of smooth muscle tissue shrinking during menstruation, as well as during childbirth and over the uterine muscle is no rigid class Fibre thin layer reaches the uterus Ppalarbth supportive. Could arise cancer in the body of the uterus or cervix. The lining of the uterus cancer about 95% of cervical cancers object.
The medical term for cancer is the cancer of the lining of the uterus lining the uterus and within this category there are sub-types were classified according to the appearance of microscopic cells.
One type of cancer of the uterus lining Glandular cancerous tumor is the most common form, as is 80 to 85% of all cases, this type of cancer is often preceded by the situation known as variant Pfert Hip receive an increase in the number of cells in the tissue lining the uterus begins characteristics of abnormal cells Federation of stereotypes.
The cancer oratory inner be more aggressive which is rare fortunately it is less than 5% of the lining of the uterus cancers and unlike most other types of cancer of the lining of the uterus cancer arises oratory usually in the inner lining of the womb inactive (atrophic) and not in the womb lining is the number cells of the uterus.
The cancer cell net, which is considered relatively rarely affects almost 4% of women infected with the disease, however, is one of the most aggressive species, and may contain cancer of the uterine lining or more types of cells, each of which constitutes 10% or more of the tumor, known cancer timely cancer cell Mixed. It is interesting that almost 10% of women living with cancer uterine lining and is owned by the mixed cell type. There are very rare forms of cancer of the uterus lining Almkhatini include cancer, cancer, cancer Mahrishv-Premier affects each and every one of these species approximately 1% of women living with cancer uterine lining.
The uterine lining cancer is the most common form in the female reproductive tract is also the fourth most common cancer among American women after breast cancer, lung cancer and colon and rectum cancer, we have reduced the number of new cases of cancer of the uterus lining steadily between mid-seventies and mid-eighties of the twentieth century, but The cases increased between the mid-eighties and in 2000, and increased deaths from the disease prominently exceeding weakness subject of this significant rise in cancer mortality uterine lining as some studies have shown that this relationship of the growing use of the hormone estrogen without the use of hormone Albroujstron so as to alleviate the signs and symptoms The problems associated with the attainment of the age of maturity of women after age fifty years, but the use Hermonin together reduces the risk of uterine cancer.
Cancer of the lining of the uterus occurs usually after the age of fifty years and affects women between the ages of 50 and 70 years. But may occur at an early age, where about 25% of cancers occur in the lining of the uterus women younger than 50 years or 40 years without women, it is a rare happening constitutes only 2 to 5 percent of all cases. Cancer of the uterus lining that is common in white women more than twice when the Black race and women of other ethnic groups in the United States but deaths from cancer of the uterus lining is the highest among other ethnic minorities.
Causes cancer, uterine lining
Grow cells divided and sound manner to keep the body functioning normally but this process are carefully organized defect sometimes, where cells in the division while there is no need for new cells, and this is cancer. Cancer in the lining of the uterus cancer malignant cells arise in the internal lining of the womb and Endocrine knows exactly why the emergence of these cancer cells are known to be increasing exposure to the female hormone estrogen plays a key role in the emergence of many cancers of the lining of the uterus where this hormone increase the proliferation of cells and divides more rapidly and result the absence of a counter balance of hormone Albroujstron know what happens Pfert Altsenj and therefore mistakes happen in the d n occurs a shift to malignant cells.
It is known risk factors for the occurrence of cancer of the uterus lining progress age women and the average age at diagnosis is 60 years ..
It is a known risk factors session at an early age and break the delayed until after the age of fifty, which leads to exposure of the uterus hormonal changes for longer than normal women who happen to have menstrual age known and interrupted after the age of fifty and reduces frequent pregnancy and birth of this increasingly at risk women with the number of births little or no bearing at all .. And increase the chances of this problem when the women who suffer from retinal cortex especially lecturers did not happen pregnancy with a view to increasing the production of excessive hormone estrogen in this situation and with a lower risk pregnancies.
The presence of benign tumors in the ovaries producing hormone estrogen increase the risk of endometrial cancer of the uterus .. The use of alternative hormone estrogen only causes more cancer uterine lining.
The use of the treatment Altamokesfin Defensive return of breast cancer known causes of changes in the tissues lining the uterus and therefore a cancer of the uterus, therefore, must be used on all patients taking this hormone treatment to counter hormone estrogen, a hormone Albroujstron examinations periodically taking biopsies of the lining of the uterus .. The weight gain and diabetes and high diabetes and high blood pressure, fat-rich food factors also known to increase the incidence of endometrial cancer of the uterus.
The presence of the risk factor of one or more particular problem does not mean that women Stsab disease, most women who have known risk factors for cancer of the uterus lining is becoming ever this cancer at the same time there are many women who are infected actually cancer in the lining of the uterus have the risk factors causing fundamental him .. In most cases, doctors could not explain why another woman presented him .. But if women were highly prone to cancer of the uterus lining, it is important to undergo annual physical examination and recognize signs and symptoms early to avoid the serious consequences if the disease was discovered in the advanced stages.
Unfortunately, most cases of cancer occur uterine lining for unknown reasons or for reasons beyond the control of women, but women can do some things that may reduce the risk of being infected with the disease.
Addressing Albroujstron or any form of industrial hormone "Albroujstin" with the hormone estrogen protects the lining of the uterus, so the treatment of containing the hormones estrogen and Albroujstron together reduces the risk of uterine endometrial cancer compared with the use of estrogen alone and must use Albroujstron for 10 days at least every month for This protection and synthetic drugs containing new daily dose of estrogen and Albroujstin at the same time. But we must also point out that at present there are many caveats to use alternative hormones without consulting the competent doctor and follow the instructions carefully and accurately.
And evaluate hormone Albroujstin Party Hip also occurring in the lining of the uterus and therefore reduces the risk of development of malignant cells.
One of the most important factors of disease prevention is to educate women and health knowledge of disease and risk factors that will help to happen to that women can avoid these risks and to address any unusual path in the pattern of monthly session early and proper medical consultations in a timely manner without delay and delay in the referendum request case of a vaginal hemorrhage unnatural.
, As well as attention to nutrition and good health over diets rich in fat and preserving the non-overweight to avoid obesity, which increases the risk of infection.
It must follow arterial blood pressure and blood sugar levels and take appropriate treatment because they are part of known risk factors.
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