Leukaemia ... viable cure disease
D. Continental Abdulraheem
Consultant blood diseases and tumors
Despite considerable progress in various aspects of medicine in the twentieth century is still occupies cancer sensitive sites in the public consciousness in terms of raising people's feelings of fear and anxiety among many. Despite the significant progress in the treatment of blood cancers, tumors Lyme in particular, are even higher than the progress that has happened in other tumors, which is that these diseases were leading to death almost all before the sixties of the twentieth century, while full recovery of most of today's rates ranging between 25 to 90%, although this is still considerable progress tumors of blood and lymphatic glands cause panic and anxiety to many people and this is due to several reasons, including the fact that these diseases strike by the largest segment of both young children or young people.
What is cancer, and what blood cancers?
It is known that the cancer is in the different types of members and affect different tissues of the body. Among these different types of so-called blood cancer, which is a malignant disease affects blood cells constituent found in bone marrow, which in itself is not a satisfactory one, but different types can be divided into four main sections differ in the means of treatment and also the amount of response to treatment and this What Snfsalh later. In addition, there are tumors that can be considered lymphatic cancers also linked blood cells as Lyme and Lyme contract represents one unit of blood cells and bone marrow (blood product).
In turn lymphatic tumors were divided into different diseases and can be simplified in a three diseases or groups are satisfactory Hodgkin's disease, tumor lymphoblastic non-Hodgkin's type, myeloma or multiple myeloma. Despite this division note differences between biological and therapeutic minute of different species, especially those that meet under the so-called gastro Lyme F-Hodgkin's.
After diagnosing cancer that must determine the extent of spread, and simplified deployment phases can be identified three stages: in a proliferation of emerging, in the proliferation of emerging, the spread of the year.
Photos of leukaemia
The treatment of any disease is a cancer today one of three basic methods: thermal treatment, radiotherapy, pharmacological treatment (chemical) has happened over the past decades significant progress has access to the full recovery of many types of cancer. The full recovery in the case of certain types of cancer by surgical treatment primarily at the forefront of these types of blood cancers and malignant tumors where Lyme disease mentioned that this could be considered in the case of all-Proliferation year, such as the spread of blood in the body.
Generally causes cancer and leukaemia in particular:
Causes of miles to a tumour:
1 genetic disorders:
It is known that there are imbalances and genetic make rights vulnerable to the emergence of tumour disease famous Down's syndrome (Down Syndrome), or the so-called Mongolian children.
2 radiation exposure
3 radiotherapy and chemical
After the use of radiotherapy in the tens of thousands of patients during the twentieth century proved scientifically and then noted that the studies radiotherapy, as well as the chemical itself cause tumors in some cases blood unrelated to the original Balorm been used chemical or radiotherapy for it.
4 exposure to some chemicals
Of the reasons that there are some blood diseases, including some cases of malignant blood diseases repeated exposure to chemicals at work
5 blood diseases leading to leukaemia
There are malignant blood diseases-can years after becoming malignant blood diseases such as anaemia Allatensji disease and break red blood cells night, as well as sudden there Sicker blood malignant chronic become acute leukemia after years as a proliferation of blood cells and the real bone marrow fibrosis and chronic leukaemia Whether or spinal lymphoblastic.
6 viruses
There are multiple causes viruses such as HIV hepatitis type b or EBV virus, which causes tumors nasal pharynx, has found that the virus closely related lymphatic neoplasm F (Burkitt), which appear in parts of Africa, as well as the lymphatic neoplasm that appear after organ transplant or when AIDS patients, so there abbreviated name virus HTLV-1 causes disease impure blood abbreviated name ATLL and spread of the virus and quality in areas of West Africa and the Caribbean and some areas of Japan.
Types of leukaemia
Blood cancers are divided into four main types: the spinal acute leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic spinal leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. There are other kinds of rare species within one of the four characteristics and have had it. The first two types called acute leukaemia because in times that there was no treatment available for these diseases were expected duration of survival of the patient-month period, while the patient survival can be expected in other types of years even if not receive any treatment.
The fact that these four types of diseases differs independent of one another and different treatment and different response to treatment and therefore different opportunities curable.
It combines these diseases arise in the bone marrow and cause the occupation of the area into bone marrow cells makes natural, does not find enough space for the proliferation of blood components for the production of red blood cells or white blood or platelets.
Therefore, all characterized as a cause anemia or weakness cells neutral and therefore weakness in the immune or poor production of blood platelets and thus the tendency to hemorrhage although these symptoms vary from disease to another.
We will try discussed below these diseases one by one.
Spinal acute leukaemia:
Frequently this disease in adults and in children less At this disease primitive cells proliferate (Primitive) cells resembling mother even filled most of bone marrow (Fig 1), so it does not remain only a limited area of natural cells, causing symptoms of the so-called failure of bone marrow.
Symptoms of acute spinal leukaemia:
The symptoms of acute leukaemia spinal usually non-specific disease unit, example is the vulnerability of the patient, dizziness, fatigue and shortness of breath at the effort and heart Palpitation has tended to bleeding from the gums or nose may appear implications bleeding under the skin rash in the form of the legs or patches bloodiest in different parts of the body temperature rises have had the presence of bacterial infection at the site of the body or public blood, and called such symptoms symptoms of bone marrow failure, because the weakness caused by the production of red blood cells and white blood platelets.
Treatment of acute spinal leukaemia:
The treatment of the disease through intensive chemical treatment, which lasts for 5 to 10 days using 2 to 3 drugs, mostly involving drug Cytarabine one of a group of drugs such as real estate Anthracycline Daunorubicine.
Unfortunately, all the drugs that affect the disease's natural attacking cells such as Britain marrow cells attack malignant disease and therefore increases the symptoms failed bone marrow drag on for a temporary period of three to four weeks after the treatment in question then regain its health and bone marrow blood cells revert to normal reproduction, growth and return production blood and symptoms disappear failed bone marrow mentioned.
As well as the need to transfer patient blood (red blood cells) and the transfer of a bloody sheet, as the patient needs to repeat blood transfusion and blood platelets normally, so it is used in these cases, the so-called pain blood filtered to prevent the transfer of white blood cells to the patient as these white cells cause composition features antibodies against tissue (HLA-), which may lead to the destruction of blood platelets, which will be transferred Antigens in the future and other immune problems.
After intensive treatment phase of this and the ensuing period of weak blood cells, which must overcome a bacterial infectious disease control and the transfer of red blood cells and the transfer of blood platelets, restore the bone marrow recovery begins to produce blood cells and natural find any trace of malignant cells in the case of a response for treatment,
Until recently, all patients who suffer from leukaemia acute spinal advised a cultivation process bone marrow, but today we know that there is a group of patients who could return to the disease exists but it is so small that it does not justify a process of cultivation marrow superpower, at least currently, because the cultivation bone marrow carrying the same risk is not infrequently.
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:
This is the first malignant disease in children, but there are of course many of the adults infected with the disease as well. This disease is more responsive to treatment and the possibility of full recovery from more acute spinal leukaemia.
Symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:
No different symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on the symptoms of acute leukaemia spinal already mentioned, and therefore is accurate diagnosis and distinguish each other from the disease is necessary for the treatment of diseases that vary from one another, in addition to the difference in opportunities to respond to the treatment, and the need for the cultivation of bone marrow .
Diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:
The suspicion generated by the presence of the disease analysis of a number of blood cells and blood-screening slide under the microscope, such as leukaemia acute spinal completely (Fig 2), then bone marrow are being made to ascertain the diagnosis, and then conducted tests on the distinction between acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and cancer of the blood spinal sharp. These examinations include tests for chemical cells, and tests of these features immune cells, and tests Akarmusumaat of these cells.
Biopsies of picture layers of the lymphatic glands acquired Lymphoma-Agdjokin
Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:
Given the availability of effective medicines have good chemical to the disease cells without affecting normal cells significantly different treatment of this disease on the treatment of acute leukaemia fluid, used in treating this disease drugs lead to access to the disappearance of the disease without symptoms become more acute bone marrow failure . But only when such drugs did not affect the normal cells quickly reverts to the disease within a short period and therefore add the type of drugs used in treatment of acute spinal cancer of the blood and therefore get some of the symptoms of the failure of bone marrow cells result of the decline in natural although this decline and these symptoms less severe what is happening in acute spinal cancer of the blood, generally is the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, as measured tables divided into stages include:
1 intensive treatment
2 Protection central nervous system
3 early focus, or re-intensive treatment
4 preserve the results of treatment
In some stages of this treatment weakens the ability of bone marrow cells to produce natural, but it can reduce the dose of certain drugs or postpone some stages of treatment so detailed chance to leave Britain marrow so recovering and then start therapy again. Generally be weak production lower than normal cells occurs during treatment of acute spinal leukaemia, but can get the same complications though to a lesser degree, and then there is a need for antibiotics and the need for blood transfusion and blood platelets, as happens in cases of acute spinal blood.
There are other important Varkan between leukaemia and spinal severe acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, the first being that the latter disease is sometimes in certain places can not give drugs through intravenous reach these places to eradicate the disease and the disappearance of these places is the central nervous system (ie, brain and spinal cord) and male children testicles. It must therefore be given preventive treatment to eradicate the disease in these places and not because the disease from these places.
Second difference is that the treatment of the so-called Al-Hafiz, who is a chemical drugs given by mouth daily or weekly (and sometimes drugs or monthly intervals through intravenous or in the spinal cord), such treatment Hafiz had led to a reduction in the return of the disease after his disappearance, while All studies conducted using Hafiz treatment in acute spinal leukaemia did not lead to any additional benefit.
For the cultivation of bone marrow in cases of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, used this method therapeutic in very limited cases in children because the results that could be obtained without the cultivation of a good comparison spinal acute leukaemia, either in the adult remedial used this method in a larger proportion of children, But that remains a lower rate of acute spinal leukaemia.
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
_________________________________________________Spinal chronic leukaemia:
This disease is characterized know that we are clearly the only chromosomal imbalance that leads to the emergence of this disease which is the exchange of two pieces from each of the 22.9 chromosome leading to the emergence of chromosome called the Philadelphia chromosome leads to a loss of programmed cell death characteristic and thus the proliferation of white blood cells Unlimited with no loss characteristic excellence, and that these cells appear normal form but very large numbers in bone marrow and blood result in the breakdown of the barrier between the bone marrow and blood.
However, as we stated previously there are a limited area of the bone Britain and the proliferation of white blood cells leads to very weak production of red blood cells and in most cases receive no increase in blood platelets, the cells that produce them also happening with this disease emergence of the production of blood outside the bone marrow usually in the spleen , liver failure and liver functions at least partially. The proliferation of these cells leads to a large consumption of energy production in the body cells and also lead to an increase of the so-called residual metabolic causing some of the symptoms of the disease.
Syndrome chronic spinal leukaemia:
Some patients not have symptoms for a long time, and discover they have the disease coincidence when an analysis of the blood we find a proliferation of white blood cells and when conducting further tests to get this diagnosis. There are no other patients have some light symptoms such as symptoms of anemia (weakness, fatigue, headache, Palpitation heart, shortness of breath at the effort), there have symptoms result of inflation spleen or liver, leading to poor digestion and a sense of fullness when eating simple quantity of food . Some other patients appear to have tumors in different members of the body by producing bone marrow outside natural places.
Diagnosing disease spinal chronic leukaemia:
Give satisfactory picture above with a multiplication in the number of white blood cells and cells neutral constituent suspected presence of a strong disease. Be sure of the diagnostic examinations chemical cells, and chromosomal tests to detect the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome, which is certainly the diagnosis.
Image marrow biopsies for cancer
________________________________________________Treat disease spinal chronic leukaemia:
Can control the symptoms of the disease and the production of cells happened by chemical drugs given through the mouth easily like real estate hydroxy urea Hydroxyurea But get this disease after a period continue to rate from 3 to 5 years to move the process resembles the most subtle and acute leukaemia be less responsive for the treatment of acute leukaemia, which preceded Marrowy chronic leukemia and when it is difficult to control this disease usually leads to death.
During the eighties of the twentieth century discovered that giving injections Antervron subcutaneous doses sufficient happen disappearance of the Philadelphia chromosome that causes the disease, which sent high hopes to get rid of this disease once and for possible later in the same period nearly studies have shown that a growing process of marrow Britain in the early stages of the disease also spoke disappearance of the disease definitively and the disappearance of the chromosome that causes the disease called Philadelphia chromosome The difference is that the drugs given for the drag Antervron several years followed the return of the disease in most cases after stopping the treatment, although some patients remain free of disease, while semi-permanent patients who held them cultivation marrow super rid of this disease once and for all.
Remains to say that during the year 2000 2001 was the announcement of the discovery of a new drug given through the mouth latest jolt in the mass media when the talk revolves around the disposal of this disease once and without the need for the cultivation of bone marrow, and the drug is a drug given by Gelevk mouth called Gleevec, the drug is a drug inhibits the enzyme active resulting from the Philadelphia chromosome but it is too early to say that the drugs actually eliminate the disease because the final examinations molecular nucleic acid in patients who responded to treatment and those who have disappeared manifestations of the disease disappeared chromosome causes of the disease known as Philadelphia chromosome showed that the genetic imbalance still exists in most cases, but that as a result of the success of this treatment significantly to the eradication of the disease molecular imbalance of active enzyme output from the Philadelphia chromosome, we can say that the drug led to the postponement of the decision-growing spinal Britain to a lot of doctors and patients alike around the world, but we are too early to say that the cultivation of bone marrow become indispensable in the final of the disease.
A picture of chronic spinal cancer
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia:
This is a kind of disease lymphatic tumors, which is the low degree of malice and different from the tumour cells that Lyme disease in Almtsrtunh arise in the bone marrow and that they lose the elements that Britain has the spinal cord and thus move from bone marrow into the circulatory system and blood shown in the fact that this disease can coexist with the rights of the drag from 5 15 years, with the presence of health problems requests treatment only in the last years of illness. Given that the disease usually appears in the elderly sixty later, we can say that a lot of patients living with the disease to the end of the age without causing them serious health problems, although it affects of the disease in some cases young people to under forty At that point must be considered a serious disease of the person injured because most of them have hope for themselves the health and wellness (in obedience to God) until the age of advanced age when they can perform their duties domestic see that their sons and daughters have stabilized their life.
Fee illustration of lymphatic cells in Hodgkin disease
Symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia:
Sometimes the patient does not complain of any symptoms, but the disease have discovered when conducting an analysis of blood for other reasons not related to this disease. In some cases, patients complain of the emergence of a contract for lymphadenopathy in the neck and under the armpits or in other places and when treatment is a doctor and some lab tests detected the presence of the disease. In some cases, the disease causes inflation in the spleen combined with the highest being flooded with abdominal symptoms, especially after eating and the presence of pain resulting from inflation spleen, as well as causing the disease in some cases, anemia or a decrease in blood platelets, the index of the transition to the advanced stages of the disease or cause of this vulnerable immune disease with a recurrent bacterial infections as a result of the predominance of cell Almtsrtunh normal lymphatic cells.
Treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia:
As we have stated previously, although proven diagnosis of this disease in some patients, we do not go to treatment immediately if the patient is suffering from the disease in the early stages, because all the means currently available therapeutic failed to prove that they serve no benefit to the patient if used in the early stages and therefore only control the disease periodically to get complications are a result of illness at that therapeutic intervention to deal with complications such as inflation resulting large lymphatic glands, especially if the reason for pressure on the arteries or veins or members of other sensitive or inflation in the spleen or liver, or anemia resulting from the invasion of bone marrow cells Almtsrtunh, or low blood platelets result of the invasion of bone marrow cells Almtsrtunh well. Treatment is usually either by the drugs given through the mouth or daily doses in the form of specific days of the month or in the form of drugs given through the vein for several days and repeated monthly, and treatment usually means that lead to control the disease and its complications so that the patient be hale good and healthy.
In cases of patients with this disease in the age forty or fifty without being contemplated to try to eliminate the disease completely by cultivating bone marrow, as the cultivation of bone marrow synchronizing with the mortality rate of up to 15 20%, the proportion of suffering the symptoms of different diseases by 40 50 % in most cases, this means treatment must be implemented carefully study and conduct only when patients are expected to occur to them fatal complications over a period of 5 to 7 years if, for example, not being cultivated bone marrow.
Foregoing shows us that many types of blood cancer, most cases fall under one of four types mentioned in the knowledge that there are under each type of these species many sub-species, in addition to a species of rare blood cancer that do not fall under one of these four types major and are therefore alone.
Therefore it is important to be accurate diagnosis, which is accessible to conduct laboratory tests of high precision and specialization then placed treatment plan for each individual case.
This has been achieved during the past decades, much progress in the treatment of these diseases have become so curable, but are curable full, which makes this disease does not end once and never return, so has fear of the consequences of these diseases is not justified by current scientific facts that led to this amazing progress in the treatment These diseases, and of course we wish all the people health and safety of every illness especially such new diseases.