Testicular cancer ... Enhance the chances of early detection recovery to 95%
Young man in the second decade of life observed inflation _khasith Yemeni without any pain not overlooked any attention operated daily activities without any concern. After 3 weeks, increased inflation and felt adamantly these testis decided to consult a doctor of the person in the situation Inflammation Epididymitis and dealt with antibiotics for two weeks without any benefit. Under the insistence of his mother, consulted a specialist in Urology and genitals comprehensive examination conducted ultrasonic radiation to the scrotum and testicular cancer in a person right back at the removal of the testis and conducting laboratory analyses on the feature from the human pituitary chorioamnionitis General Beta Beta. Subunit of HCG and protein embryonic General alpha alpha fetoprotein and refreshing hydrogen Allaktat Lactate dehydrogenase in the blood and make finding a ray of the abdomen to determine the degree of maliciousness and Rema and classified as extended and spread to the lymphatic glands and other organs and application processors additional incurable help of God Almighty.That situation represents a model for some young people injured in this cancer, which is more common with age if they ranged between 18 and 45 years, which is destroying many of whom may not if diagnosed quickly and dealt with by modern medical surgery, which include genocide and chemical treatment that might succeed healing more than 95% of them especially if the early diagnosis and treatment were tumor in the early stages and even after he moved to the lymph glands in many of those cases. Although inflation in the testis or held a solid inside presence without any pain or other symptoms Boulet is usually the case even cancer _khasoi proves the contrary, however, there is a number of other cases may cause benign inflation Al_khasioi Eelam with pain and redness of the skin and sometimes scrotum notably epididymitis, testicular inflammation and Dawali and hernias The elephants also cells and tumor boards and bloody on the testis and Alepeshrani bag that can be excluded by clinical symptoms and laboratory tests and X-ultrasound on the scrotum, particularly testicular examination, which may prove clinically diagnostic even without resorting to ultraviolet voice in some of those cases. If the tumor was diagnosed by a specialist Testicular Urology and reproductive testis removal from the area after the closure Groin visitor and mentioned with vascular tumor is examined to determine its kind Economics determines treatment overtime each of those cases.
Divided categories this to several types of cancer most common aluminum Seminoma by 50% and the rest of tumors including tumor Embryonal activation rate of 10% and tumor Almschi Teratoma by 3% to 5% and Alzaarom chorioamnionitis Choriocarainoma cancer tiny bag Yolk sac tumor in less than 1% of these cases. The presence of tissue-testing proves combination of those groups at 35% of them.
After obtaining the results of the examination and tissue-label, which we discussed previously, the cross-sectional X-lung, stomach and lymph glands, especially around the aorta and intravenous empty coffers and the kidney specialist treatment depending on the type of cancer developed, and how could spread locally and spread. In most cases aluminum Seminoma not widespread or advanced treatment may include follow-up with the review and analysis of all cross-sectional X-month to three months in the early years or the X-medication lymphatic glands on the aorta vein empty containers at the level of kidney treatment or chemical material Krpoblatin Carboplatin single dose or two doses That success is very high exceed 98%. As if re-cancer during the follow-up treatment can be chemically Erpoblatin or radiation therapy with excellent results in most of those cases. The rate of increase in the event of LDH label or Beta-HCG after eradication of the testis or inflation emerged in the lymphatic glands, or an extension to the lungs or other members of his recovery may God Almighty God and chemical treatment in most of those cases, with follow-up clinically and laboratory and radiation in a regular, periodic basis. As if the cancer category-aluminum In the event was confined to the testis removed without any progress Awanchar outside the lymphatic glands with the equator label after eradicated in those cases could pursue those cases forensic laboratory and X-cross-sectional each month to 3 months and for a period of about 5 years at least with the proportion of resuming or impressions or tumor spread to the lymphatic glands, or to other members by about 30%, which may require surgical treatment chemicals and with the rate of survival by about 98%. The deal also those tumors surgery genocide of the lymphatic glands on the aorta and intravenous empty containers at the level of the kidneys and application of chemical treatment if the cancer spread to direct treatment or chemical BEP Bjreitn or more after the successful eradication of the testis with very high for both the means by approximately 98%. It is the misdeeds of surgical treatment they may sometimes cause weakness or lack of defamation with access infertility treatment chemicals while complications in the long run may include syndrome Al Reynolds Raynauld s syndrome and morbidity nervous and cardiovascular disease morbidity and kidney and leukemia. In the event of continuing high label after eradication of the testis with the presence of lymph glands behind the inflated decantation the treatment of those cases include chemical treatment BEP sometimes followed by surgical excision of lymph glands or some Anagael tumor in the lung or liver, if it extended with the hope of survival God willing, by 80%. As in the case of very high label B-HCG or AFP or LDH after eradication of testicular tumor Awantkal to several members, such as the liver, lungs, bones and brain therapy who shall then to use several chemicals with sometimes transplant cells and injected Aljzeih rule GH-CSF for the prevention of serious complications bloody too. The success rate of such remedies in such cases developed normally not exceed 48%.
Fbalkhalas to diagnose testicular cancer most prevalent among young people aged between 15 and 45 years calls for awareness about the likelihood of obtaining and vigilance mechanism encouraging these young _khasithm examined daily and direct without any delay to consult specialist Urology and reproductive if what happened inflation _khasoi painless. Let alone that it might be painful in about 10% of those cases, or the presence of knots or stiffness in one of the testicles. Although most of the scrotum tumors are usually benign but prove it requires clinically examined by a specialist who may also conduct ultrasonic radiation to the scrotum and some additional laboratory analysis. Despite the progress of the very high success rate in dealing with such tumors using surgical and chemical means, with the help of God Almighty, but that the application of the correct diagnosis and treatment ideal for those cases does not lead to a cure, but most also help to maintain the quality of the lives of these young people and to avoid side effects and the complications and consequences that may affect their future and prevent them from enjoying the bright future and good health, fun and a natural ability to reproduce that God wills
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