Lung cancer, the most deadly cancer in the world
Jeddah: d. Abdul Hafeez Khoja
Cancer comprehensive concept involving hundreds of diseases characterized by the proliferation of cellular Mktzh and NOEL, live injured by the short period of time and became increasingly longer with the continuing discoveries of modern means and medicines to prevent or resist or destroy the cancerous cells. According to WHO estimates, must wait 10 million deaths from cancer each year, the registration of 15 million new case of cancer during the next two decades. Can prevent one third of the ten million injuries that were diagnosed in the world and can be treated with other third successfully in the case of early detection and treatment.
Dr. Abdel Rahim continental consultative blood diseases, tumors and continental Director of the Centre for the treatment of tumors and blood diseases in Jeddah, told Al «Middle East» that lung cancer is the first disease, which affects men in developed countries has become a rival of breast cancer for women in the number of injuries and deaths caused by . In Saudi Arabia diagnosed about two hundred and fifty new cases of lung cancer annually. This is a low ratio compared with the global statistics, as the incidence of cancer in Saudi Arabia of $ 4.5 men per hundred thousand men, women and 1.4 per hundred thousand women, while the rate in the United States of 58 men and 34 women for every one hundred thousand of the population of the same sex. However, the lung cancer tumor IV, which affects men as infected by about two hundred and thirty cases of men annually, and the remaining injuries are injuries among women. This may prove to us that injuries lung cancer in women is still low because that smoking is not widespread in the past decades among women in the Kingdom until the last two decades as the women Tqubln the bad habit, which poses a threat to their health in the next two decades since it is known that injuries lung cancer usually appear after two decades entry smoking habit in any segment of the population in any country.
The statistics show in Saudi Arabia where the number of smokers was about six million smokers between the citizen and resident, a male and a female. Unfortunately, the rate among adolescent smokers to about 10 15%. The smokers in Saudi Arabia economic burden estimated at about 9 billion riyals annually due to smoking. The Kingdom is the fourth largest importers of tobacco in the world hits cigarettes imported annually about 15 billion cigarettes.
Types of lung cancer
* Divided by type of lung cancer tissue into two type of lung cancer called small cells and another type of lung cancer called non-small-cell. The deal differs from the first type Type II because of the different nature of this cancer and its spread, growth and how much of a risk to the patient. The cases of lung cancer cells with a small high risk to the patient because most cases to be diagnosed spread while a few rare cases of this type are not widespread. Thus, in most cases, this type of treatment is not any surgical excision and radiation therapy is treatment and chemotherapy. Despite the response of this type of chemotherapy or radiation treatment at the beginning of the disease but most cases irreversible setback rapidly during the year or two years at most and thus become not only for the treatment of simple and temporary. Despite the intensification of chemotherapy attempts to reach better results, but all such attempts have failed and proved that the tumor is difficult to be cured of cancer and thus leads to death in 100% of the cases during the period simple.
As for lung cancer, non-small-cell is divided into three types, however, the differences between these types simple with respect to their response to treatment and the extent of the risk posed by the patient. Therefore normally be one strategy for the treatment of this species. It is that the early cases are curable surgery in the first stage, second and possibly part of the third phase. However, the cases could be detected in the early stages is a small percentage of the total cases not exceed 10%.
Surgical treatment
* Treatment
* Surgical here depends on the extent to which the patient to assume part or full eradication of infected lung, as these patients usually suffer from the effects of smoking and lung function were to have limited partly due to chronic inflammation caused by smoking, in addition to being older, in many cases, therefore they do not bear surgical intervention, even when early diagnosis and treatment are being treated radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy, which in some cases lead to results close to the results of surgical treatment.
The surgical treatment is the removal of entire lung or class of the cortex or part of the Clove. The treatment requires patients to radiation in some rare cases. But in recent years proved that chemotherapy after eradication reduces relapse of the disease any return of the disease again and therefore advised usually in these cases as well. The patients usually attain the third phase of this treatment before surgery leads to the downsizing so that the tumor can be eradication and better results. As for the situations such as the late third or fourth stage, the treatment is usually chemically and radiation treatment to alleviate the suffering of the patient and not recovering from the disease. Treat wave
* For the treatment of chemotherapy drugs there are a number of successful and effective in this area and each of these drugs side effects of this physician chooses consultant tumors appropriate medicines per patient as its ability to withstand the anticipated real estate and side effects.
In recent years this so-called chemical treatment wave, it is our types of drugs can be described medicines smart as they are based on accurate understanding of the emergence and development of tumors to malignant tumors destroys the patient example, there are real estate (AVASTIN), a real estate wave of a factor vascular ( VEGF), which feed the tumor, so if we can resist the feeding of tumor blood vessels, decrease food and oxygen to the tumor leads to the erosion of tumor vessels and spare his life. Having proved that the addition of this property to chemical drugs lead to a better effectiveness of the expected efficiency alone. There is also working on smart drugs discourage some enzymes involved in cell division and proliferation and growth of tumors and therefore these drugs property (IRESSA) and real estate (TACEVA), which inhibited some enzymes active in cell division and proliferation, which was called (EGFR-TK) has proved the effectiveness of these drugs good in the fight against tumors at relapse and the failure of chemotherapy, because the result of such drugs as we mentioned intelligent and targeted against what we know from chemical reactions in the cell division and proliferation of the knowledge of this study will enable us to succeed any cases where these drugs and that research showed that the tumour cases in which irregularities in the genes Genetic called (EGFR) is the example that respond to the treatment of these drugs more effectively, which leads us to rationalize expensive drugs.
Protein crucial
* Scientists trying to solve a mystery new drug for the treatment of lung cancer has discovered a protein called any. Mother. Bi 1 (1EMP-) in lung cancer tumors in patients who do not help the real estate Larissa IRESSA. The leading results of this research were recently published in the journal records the National Academy of Sciences to find a way to revive the property known scientifically as Geevitnib.
Said Dr. David Agus of Sidarz Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, who led the study «our results suggest that any protein. Umm. Bi 1 is a vital indicator to resist treatment has Bjeevitnib we can identify patients who will not respond to the real estate ». He added Agus «if we know patients who will not be able to respond to explore options other remedial soon Geevitnib use in cases where patients benefit. This means that we will be able to maximize our use of this drug and treat patients more effectively ».
All of this shows that lung cancer is the most insidious of diseases and malignant cases detected early it can be treated successfully but such cases are few. The cause of lung cancer is clear and rarely find another type of cancers such clarity. Unfortunately, many people neglect to do what is necessary to prevent this malignant disease is stop smoking. Nevertheless, we can say that science has made huge progress in recent years and that the future carries many things promising.
Two American and Finnish: onions and tomatoes reduce the risk of lung cancer
* A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Hawaii on the effectiveness of the American vehicle plant certain anti-oxidation to reduce the risk of contracting lung cancer, the chemical groups in the onions are best for this goal, scientists have found that the materials (Flavonoid) to provide different types of protection against firm Disease, but some of them have characteristics and preventive stronger than others.
The researchers revealed in the study published by the American Journal of the National Institute of Cancer, the article (Kwerozde) found in onions, protect against lung cancer better than Article (Narengjin) in the White grapefruit. Therefore, onion and garlic are the best medicinal plants beneficial to human health. As new scientific study revealed that tomatoes have the ability protective against lung cancer, after previous studies demonstrated that its role in protecting men from prostate cancer. The new study by a team of researchers in Finland have found that apples and tomatoes can be one of the most vegetables and fruits for good health. He continued eating scientists system for 27 alpha male smokers who ranged in age from 50 to 69 years over 15 years, and found that fruits and vegetables fresh red fruits, especially tomatoes rich vehicles «Korotenwid», «to Aecupen» chemical known effective antioxidant reduces the risk of lung cancer. The scientists in their study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology that the most important risk factor for infection with this disease is cigarette smoking, so it is usually leave this deal with the adverse health foods useful is the best way of prevention. The previous scientific study has proved that apples and tomatoes deal strengthens the lungs, and that the treatment of fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases.
* Dana last rural American widow of the late Representative «Superman» Christopher Reeve
* Famous world living with lung cancer
* Jeddah: «Middle East»
* Dana Reeve, 44 years old, is the latest celebrity who suffered lung cancer, which announced last week that it is infected with the disease, and it is subject to treatment and was optimistic and will involve everyone in the news of improved health and heal soon as you say. She adds that she looks like her husband, Christopher «Superman» example of the challenge confronting the difficulties and hardships of life with vigour and courage.
* Peter Jennings «broadcaster ABC News of the famous»: the latest deceased celebrity because of lung cancer, in last August 7, 2005, at the age of 67 years, one of the ten million Americans are currently living with cancer, has declared himself to fans hold on the air by four months his condition had diagnosed lung cancer, was a voracious for cigarette and took off since in 1988. He said American President Bush «that host and journalist most credible of the Americans».
* Renaldo Benson (one of a set of legendary Motown music): died on January 1, 2005, for 69 years.
* Alan King (famous comedy): On May 9, 2004, for 76 years.
* The Miller (represented and dancer): On January 22, 2004, for 81 years.
* Nancy Gore (brother Al Gore), American Vice-President Bill Clinton at the age of 46.
* Warren Zifun (singer and writer Songs): On September 8, 2003, for 56 years.
* Rosemary Clooney (singer) in the June 29, 2002, for 74 years.
* ETA Jones (jazz singer): On October 16, 2001, for 72 years.
* Nancy Marchand (Representative, which has played the role of the President of the Mafia family in the play «Soepranos»): On June 18, 2000 for 71 years.
* Carl Wilson, a group Beach Boys Beach Boys: On February 6, 1998 for 51 years.
* Pate Nixon (wife of former American President Richard Nixon): On June 22, 1993 for 81 years.
* Edward Moro (TV broadcaster CBS: In the April 25, 1965, for 57 years and was a voracious reader.
* Non-smokers are also for lung cancer
* Most injuries occur for lung cancer smokers, but also non-smokers, it may be potential victims of this deadly disease, as is the case with the widow «Superman» Dana countryside diagnosed as being infected with the disease a few days ago, according to the diagnosis confirmed by doctors. According to statistics, the American women out of five women did not smoke their lives, illness contracted lung cancer. But what is the difference between those who suffered from lung cancer in smokers than non-smokers?
Doctors believed that non-smokers from infected respond better to treatment of people living with smokers, according to several studies and research. And is the reason that people living with lung cancer at an early age, may have caused genetic elements of the disease, according to those studies, and 3 percent of lung cancer affects people under the age of 45 years, regardless of whether they are smokers or non-smokers.
* Quit smoking may prolong the life of lung cancer patients
* The doctors who specialize in cancer to boot with the final stages of lung cancer from smoking may give them a chance to survive longer than if left to smoke as they please notify death. In another development, researchers announced participants in the annual conference of the American Cancer Society to deal with doses of the vitamin (A) and friends may help to reduce some of the effects of lung cancer among smokers. Said Dr. Greg Videtyk Institute of Dana Farber Cancer «time does not absolutely to stop smoking». Videtyk added in the press conference of the American Association of tumors in Orlando, Florida, which is the world's largest gathering of cancer specialists in that the patient, who oversees death due to lung cancer may refuse to take off but he stopped smoking may make it live longer. The examination Videtyk 215 patients infected with small cell lung cancer. He pointed out that «After two years of treatment, the 28% of those who stopped smoking were still alive compared with 16% of those who continued smoking. Within the next five years, lived some 10% of those who stopped smoking compared with 5% of those who continued smoking ». The Videtyk further tests to make sure that smoking may conflict with the ability of the patient to respond to treatment, but found no evidence. He concluded in the end that smoking somewhat inconsistent with chemotherapy.
Lung cancer is the most lethal cancer in the United States and the world, kills 85% of those infected. The American Association of Cancer that about 155 thousand Americans died this year affected by lung cancer, which is usually caused by smoking or exposure to tobacco smoke.
There is another study of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) American revealed that the death occurred due to smoking during the period between 1997 and 2001 cost the United States $ 92 billion due to lost productivity. The study said that smoking reduces life expectancy an average of 14 years due to injury smokers lung diseases, cancer, cardiovascular, and other diseases, the study did not provide estimates on the cost of medical care for smoking-related illnesses during the same period, and noted that it amount to 75.5 billion dollars in 1998 through only.
The study revealed that 438 thousand people died each year during the period under study, due to smoking directly, or through passive smoking accompany smokers.