What is multiple myeloma?
-- Multiple myeloma (also called plasmacytoma or Morbus Kahler) to change a malignant plasma cells with an increase in the production of such cells in the bone marrow out of control.
-- Plasma cells produce changing patients antibodies or parts of the body simply counterattack - called paraproteins. These antibodies are similar Vezyukimiaeeh queens; and is produced by the so-called colony cells and plasma protein called single-strain is also ..
-- Suppresses the production of antibodies paraproteins natural formation, makes bacterial infections
are common in patients.
-- The Namwaklaya generated blood cells in which the bone marrow suffers, which leads to a lack of red blood cells and white health, leading to fatigue, weakness, headaches and increased susceptibility to bacterial infection.
-- Proliferation of myeloma cells in bone marrow, and their interaction with stroma (supporting tissue for bone marrow) and activate cells leading to the strongroom incentive for increasing osteoclasts. Osteoclasts cells that can be broken bone substance. This leads to loss of bone substance and bone defects, which in turn can lead to fractures and pain.
-- A "growing resolve textile super-called calcium. Increase in the values of blood calcium can lead to complications such as damage to various college, fatigue, confusion, turmoil layout heart beats, nausea and vomiting.
The formation of large quantities of paraproteins can bring major increase in blood protein content. As part of the protein removed through macro-protein can prevent renal pipe work, thus weakening the kidney function.
-- There are multiple forms Mokhtfahllmaeloma known. Differ in terms of installation antibodies.
Multiple myeloma can be there for years without noticeable signs of the disease. Rule, the effects of the disease occurring here after a long period of time.
-- To date, the question is what are the causes of multiple myeloma to answer it categorically.
Although the disease sometimes occurs in the same family, but multiple myeloma is not genetic diseases in the foundation.
Since the onset of the disease, most patients do not face any symptoms. While the disease progress, speaking with unusual symptoms such as the reduction in natural fitness, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite or nausea or vomiting or weight loss. The following symptoms, described by the member.
-- Britain pain often begins slowly and grow with time. Sharp pain similar to bone fractures in the spine, ribs, or bone tube.
-- Back pain in his back and spine cotton happen often.
-- Reduction in the height of several centimeters notes often. The reason for this is the compaction paragraphs.
-- Higher level of calcium in the blood, resulting from (Britain disintegration), which leads to an increase in the volume of urine and the risk of drought body. Leads to the higher level of calcium also nausea and vomiting.
-- With 20% of patients, kidney function and less Bbesbb Aldharrvi renal tubes.
-- The symptoms result from the change in Khalaiaaldm depends on the number of plasma cells decaying. The maturation of red blood cells is the first factor which will be affected. The symptoms of anemia is the weakness and fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, especially during the normal stress.
-- With the progress of the disease, occurs decrease in the number of (white blood cells) and (blood platelets) can happen. Low any number of white cells leading to the ease of bacterial infection.
-- Almost 20 to 25% of patients suffering from repeated bacterial infections primarily. In the early stages of the disease, respiratory infections most common areas. The symptoms of urinary infections in an ideal form of the disease advanced.
-- Shortage of blood platelets is reflected in an increasing tendency to bleeding from the nose or menstrual bleeding increasing among women.
Only very few patients facing Bathuloger changes in the nervous system. (Nerves in the long arms and legs) burning pain and sense of loss that can occur in the ceilings. Is only in rare cases, Badfterh long illness, which can produce paralysis, loss of feeling and smooth.
The purpose of diagnosis to confirm or remove doubt cancer, and in case of doubt must be sure, but gaining accurate knowledge about the tumour. Treatment becomes understandable only if a comprehensive diagnosis.
The disease can be decided in several ways. General references to changes in urine and blood, bone pain or bone fractures. This gives reason to check for the existence of the designated multiple myeloma. Positive diagnosis of at least two of the following criteria must be accomplished:
-- The proportion of plasma cells in bone marrow sample of more than 10 percent.
-- Specific damage myeloma bone (with the emergence of leaky vents in the structural system), or reduced bone density (bone necrosis) and bone fractures. In any case, none of these very specific bone damage to multiple myeloma.
-- More than 3 grams paraprotein per 100 ml of blood were uncovered and / or paraproteins in the urine and / or there is evidence to mitigate bone.
The objective diagnostic tests are to confirm the diagnosis Limits unlikely, in other words:. Prior to the complexities and discover whether or malignant tumor Hamid. Kindness / slag important criterion for the decision to form the required treatment.
Doctor provided a summary of all complaints and diseases of Macedonia. Details that may appear relevant to you-can provide important information to your doctor. Read page entitled patients with good information
In addition to screening blood and urine, or X-ray pictures of the nuclear cycle or additional Mufras class-rays to detect bone necrosis, or holes, and must be removed bone marrow sample for diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Symptoms, the results of blood tests and x-ray urine, in addition to assess bone marrow sample, leading to confirm the diagnosis.
The goal of treatment is to delay tumor growth. That the recovery from multiple myeloma is only possible in cases where the tumor where Mtamoda outside the bone marrow or in a single, as well as for young patients who have conducted the transplant bone marrow from the donor. Aadazlk, this disease An incurable disease remedy the situation. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to try to prolong life and access to good quality of life.
Chemotherapy [/ color]
Chemical drugs are preventing cells from rum growth and reproduction
Multiple myeloma is different from many of the tumors fact that the diagnosis does not mean the immediate need for treatment. With this treatment is required when:
Ballack bone onset of symptoms and fatigue
And a kidney injury
Increase the proportion of calcium in the blood
Qaq anaemia.
Some types of drugs known as Chemical (alkylating agents) and melphalan k Alsichaelovosagamaid effective in the treatment and often add their derivatives Cortisone.
The side effects of these drugs include nausea, vomiting, anemia, inflammation of the mucous membranes, hair loss, nerve damage weight gain. These symptoms occur during the use of drugs.
Will guide you to your drugs and how to use them.
Higher-dose treatment and stem cell transplantation
Studies have shown that the use of melphalan at very high doses led to a complete remission (complete disappearance of symptoms) with many patients. Despite this, the higher dose treatment has a negative effect on bone marrow. The result is a decline in the number of white blood cells, taking a major risk of infection. The following procedures are now approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma:
Giving incentives white cells that accelerate the renewal of white blood cells. These growth rates known as colony stimulating factors, white cells (JC S F).
Replanting bone marrow - or from the Pacific stem cells (taken from blood and obtained by the higher dose treatment). This procedure also invited on behalf of stem cell transplantation Territories.
Consult your doctor for this method or manner of stem cell transplantation from donor allogenic treatment with high-dose chemical, if your suit, especially with regard to risks.
The goal of radiation is the ability to stop cancer cells to divide and thus to prevent the growth of other tumor. Unlike many of the tumors, the normal cells have the capacity to repair damage caused by radiation, the result of radiation affect Cbrali tumor from the surrounding members of health. It is important to know that no radioactive material penetrates the body during radiotherapy.
Radiation therapy is used first of all to deal with bone pain. Also, radiation therapy can prevent bone fractures in the bone retaining sections. Current bone fractures could prove the use of radiation.
Severe side effects, such as reddening skin is rare. Various other side effects could occur depending on the region which are subject to radiation. You should discuss these side effects individually with a doctor Aoramk You should also discuss the form of radiation to be used in your case.
Real estate interferon treatment (interferon)
Interferon alpha-active material produced in the body and act on the immune system cells. Among other things, interferon prevent the reproduction of the plasma cells. Experience has shown that the use of interferon recommended for patients for whom chemotherapy has led to unabated, or at least stabilize the clinical picture. This concerns especially the high-dose therapy patients and stem cell transplantation. The goal of interferon treatment to keep remission accomplished during chemotherapy.
Flu-like symptoms of depression and possible side effects.
Thalidomide treatment
The use of thalidomide in the treatment of myeloma a new therapeutic. Scientists discovered that thalidomide can prevent the formation of new blood vessels. The renewal of blood vessels, also known composition coffers, is a sine qua non for the growth of tumors. In addition, thalidomide is also an impact on the immune system. The goal of scientific research be achieved if growth slows tumour could be using thalidomide. Data so far concluded that 40% of patients not previously treated with thalidomide respond to treatment. In the case of newly diagnosed patients, the combination of thalidomide and dexamethasone lead to remission in about 60 percent of cases, the combination of thalidomide and dexamethasone melphalan and lead to remission to 80 percent of patients.
In any case thalidomide treatment could take the side effects that may compel treatment for a rare break. Outer nerve damage, constipation, fatigue, feeling weak and skin rashes can occur.
Using thalidomide to treat patients newly diagnosed, patients in recidivism or disease-resistant preliminary, but also the patients who passed the first successful treatment acid maintenance. In any case treatment to prevent the setback, the dose necessary to significantly reduce and clear recommendations do not exist yet here. Results of the studies were not available nonetheless. (Information on clinical studies can be found here.)
Treatment b Bortezomib (Albortizumib)
Not all the details of the impact of this method of real estate called the proteasome sift clear. In any case, that the formation of protein and stoppage of the carrier signal, both important for the survival of cancer cells and to reproduce Alkhalayawaltsak cells and the formation of new blood vessels. To stop this protein is under the control of proteasomes. And enzymes are found in cells and cancer cells health and the destruction of cellular proteins that control the way.
Bortezomib prevents effective proteasomes, the result of many signals in the cancer cell nullify each other mutually and this, in turn, leads to prevent tumor growth and the formation of new blood vessels, and the death of cancer cells (apoptosis) to prevent interaction and cell tissue connecting the bone marrow.
In Europe, Bortezomib ratified in April 2004 under the brand Velcade ® to deal with multiple myeloma, for patients who were treated previously infected patients and two sessions of the disease was made during the definitive treatment (so-called third-line treatment). Since April 2005 Velcade ® also certified to treat patients with so-called second-line therapy. To remedy used Velcade ® single (In other words:. No combination with other drugs) patients must pass by planting bone marrow or may not be suitable for transplant marrow. Maximum duration of treatment with Velcade ® are not known yet.
The most frequent side effects in clinical studies with Velcade ® was a moderate degree of fatigue, a feeling of weakness, nausea, diarrhea, reduced appetite and maintained. In addition, in any case, there may be reducing the concentration of blood platelets, ill nervous external (feeling of anesthesia, pain in hands or feet or legs), high temperature and devout, and anemia. That a high temperature with pneumonia, acute diarrhoea and vomiting and dizziness and drought are considered serious side effects.
Treatment by a Lenalidomide
Lenalidomide has been approved in the United States, the EU and in Switzerland for a combination therapy with Dexamethasone in patients with multiple myeloma who already received a standard therapy. Since the end of 2005, Lenalidomide has also been approved in the USA for the treatment of patients requiring transfusions with myelodysplastic syndrome of risk class "low" or "intermediary-1" with simultaneous 5q-deletion with or without additional cytogenetic abnormalities.
Lenalidomide belongs to the main material in IMiDs ® this label stands for Immunomodulatory Drugs, a pharmacy, if the elements are able to effectively simulate the immune system. IMiDs are linkages derived from Altaledomid (calming dwellings) have reactors (IHD) compared with a few side Ttalidomid article in the same degree of effectiveness or more.
Allenaledomid mechanism of action is not yet fully known. But it is known that this article op in various areas of the body. Qualities and immunogenic Allauaaih Growing Up to this article affect the emptying of inflammatory material inciting and raise the production of reducing inflammation. Prevention is building blood vessels in cancerous tumor which leads to poor supply of nutritious substances cancerous cells. Also directly affect the Lenalidomide in cancer cells that is discouraging growth. Lenalidomide has the ability to whether the correct course of metabolic processes that emerged from the process of balance in the different regions of the body.
Blinaledomid treatment also linked to side effects. Often changed the image of blood in passing when the abuse of Lenalidomide: the quantity of blood platelets would be less, as well as white blood cell blood. The results of blood tests may lead to the need to cut treatment or reducing the dosage of Lenalidomide described. Some patients require influences development and / or blood transfusions.
Also reactors side of medicine for Lenalidomide high risk of a possible bloody clot during treatment (clot disease and obstructive lung). There is so far no tests prove definitively that the treatment and preventive advance would reduce the possibilities of a clot. By every kind of threat can constitute a blood clot doctor described the treatment and preventive measure against clot vascular and pulmonary embolisms. Side reactors that may consist of abuse of Lenalidomide is diarrhea, eczema, itching.
Bisphosphonates treatment bisphosphonates
One of the most frequent symptoms that afflict patients is a great pain, particularly in the spine and ribs. The pain caused by bone mass article, because myeloma cells. Bisphosphonates that part of the basic treatment of multiple myeloma. These Alakakirimkn that slowed the process of shattering the bone.
Myeloma cells produce factors that stimulate the activity of cells that regulate the activity of mass Britain (osteoclasts) and lead to increased bone crash. Topical factors believed to play a role, which means that more bone crash in areas where there are myeloma cells, and it is affecting the backbone full mainly hip and Sash basin, but also the bones of the skull, shoulders, chest Britain. The goal of treatment with bisphosphonates is that suppresses the activity of excessive osteoclasts. Patients treated and often faced a significant decline in Britain was important.
Bisphosphonates relatively secure form of treatment. In any case, it can cause symptoms of influenza semi, Andastamalha for the first time, can cause a temporary increase in bone pain. Each bisphosphonates can also cause problems college quickly. Despite the absence of any long-term studies in this area, the treatment of permanent b bisphosphonates recommended for Mrzialmaeloma, where the kidney function should be monitored regularly.
Bisphosphonates prevent the destruction of bone Aalmstqubli But, in any case, does not lead to any regression in the already existing damage. Despite the fact that there is no studies in this regard, some doctors treated their patients b bisphosphonates even in the early stages of myeloma as a precautionary measure. Laboratory studies have shown that bisphosphonates can crash myeloma cells.
Female symptoms of osteoporosis decomposition can occur from time to time with patients treated with bisphosphonates causing damage skeletons in the jaw. Results can be a pain, dental fluent, Havat sharp bone and the separation of small portions of bone. The initial symptoms are swelling, a sense of anesthesia and pain. Surgical operations in the mouth heal difficulty. So far, not known whether the type of bisphosphonates play a role or other factors (for example, radiation, other drugs, pre-dental treatment) have any impact.
Until such time as the answer to these questions, the myeloma patients advised to tell the dentist for treatment of bisphosphonates if applicable. In case of problems, the solution must be cut to two to four months. The use of antibiotics recommended for treatment of injuries in the jaw.
Address the accompanying symptoms
Speaking with your doctor regarding the treatment of symptoms associated with multiple myeloma, such as anemia, osteoporosis and increase the infection and pain and how to apply the precautionary measures for yourself. Consult your doctor about the first signs of symptoms and the doctor know which addresses (including dental and eye specialists) about the disease.
Ask your doctor about the things that we must pay special attention are finalized accompanying symptoms, the medicine has always dealt with exactly as described, taking advantage of preventive action. It is not true that myeloma patients should not be pollinators; vaccine inoculations that the crash was not bacteria or viruses which Ktralimrdi myeloma.
This section of the state real hit this cancer
And are being addressed
-- Multiple myeloma (also called plasmacytoma or Morbus Kahler) to change a malignant plasma cells with an increase in the production of such cells in the bone marrow out of control.
-- Plasma cells produce changing patients antibodies or parts of the body simply counterattack - called paraproteins. These antibodies are similar Vezyukimiaeeh queens; and is produced by the so-called colony cells and plasma protein called single-strain is also ..
-- Suppresses the production of antibodies paraproteins natural formation, makes bacterial infections
-- The Namwaklaya generated blood cells in which the bone marrow suffers, which leads to a lack of red blood cells and white health, leading to fatigue, weakness, headaches and increased susceptibility to bacterial infection.
-- Proliferation of myeloma cells in bone marrow, and their interaction with stroma (supporting tissue for bone marrow) and activate cells leading to the strongroom incentive for increasing osteoclasts. Osteoclasts cells that can be broken bone substance. This leads to loss of bone substance and bone defects, which in turn can lead to fractures and pain.
-- A "growing resolve textile super-called calcium. Increase in the values of blood calcium can lead to complications such as damage to various college, fatigue, confusion, turmoil layout heart beats, nausea and vomiting.
The formation of large quantities of paraproteins can bring major increase in blood protein content. As part of the protein removed through macro-protein can prevent renal pipe work, thus weakening the kidney function.
-- There are multiple forms Mokhtfahllmaeloma known. Differ in terms of installation antibodies.
Multiple myeloma can be there for years without noticeable signs of the disease. Rule, the effects of the disease occurring here after a long period of time.
-- To date, the question is what are the causes of multiple myeloma to answer it categorically.
Although the disease sometimes occurs in the same family, but multiple myeloma is not genetic diseases in the foundation.
Since the onset of the disease, most patients do not face any symptoms. While the disease progress, speaking with unusual symptoms such as the reduction in natural fitness, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite or nausea or vomiting or weight loss. The following symptoms, described by the member.
-- Britain pain often begins slowly and grow with time. Sharp pain similar to bone fractures in the spine, ribs, or bone tube.
-- Back pain in his back and spine cotton happen often.
-- Reduction in the height of several centimeters notes often. The reason for this is the compaction paragraphs.
-- Higher level of calcium in the blood, resulting from (Britain disintegration), which leads to an increase in the volume of urine and the risk of drought body. Leads to the higher level of calcium also nausea and vomiting.
-- With 20% of patients, kidney function and less Bbesbb Aldharrvi renal tubes.
-- The symptoms result from the change in Khalaiaaldm depends on the number of plasma cells decaying. The maturation of red blood cells is the first factor which will be affected. The symptoms of anemia is the weakness and fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, especially during the normal stress.
-- With the progress of the disease, occurs decrease in the number of (white blood cells) and (blood platelets) can happen. Low any number of white cells leading to the ease of bacterial infection.
-- Almost 20 to 25% of patients suffering from repeated bacterial infections primarily. In the early stages of the disease, respiratory infections most common areas. The symptoms of urinary infections in an ideal form of the disease advanced.
-- Shortage of blood platelets is reflected in an increasing tendency to bleeding from the nose or menstrual bleeding increasing among women.
Only very few patients facing Bathuloger changes in the nervous system. (Nerves in the long arms and legs) burning pain and sense of loss that can occur in the ceilings. Is only in rare cases, Badfterh long illness, which can produce paralysis, loss of feeling and smooth.
The purpose of diagnosis to confirm or remove doubt cancer, and in case of doubt must be sure, but gaining accurate knowledge about the tumour. Treatment becomes understandable only if a comprehensive diagnosis.
The disease can be decided in several ways. General references to changes in urine and blood, bone pain or bone fractures. This gives reason to check for the existence of the designated multiple myeloma. Positive diagnosis of at least two of the following criteria must be accomplished:
-- The proportion of plasma cells in bone marrow sample of more than 10 percent.
-- Specific damage myeloma bone (with the emergence of leaky vents in the structural system), or reduced bone density (bone necrosis) and bone fractures. In any case, none of these very specific bone damage to multiple myeloma.
-- More than 3 grams paraprotein per 100 ml of blood were uncovered and / or paraproteins in the urine and / or there is evidence to mitigate bone.
The objective diagnostic tests are to confirm the diagnosis Limits unlikely, in other words:. Prior to the complexities and discover whether or malignant tumor Hamid. Kindness / slag important criterion for the decision to form the required treatment.
Doctor provided a summary of all complaints and diseases of Macedonia. Details that may appear relevant to you-can provide important information to your doctor. Read page entitled patients with good information
In addition to screening blood and urine, or X-ray pictures of the nuclear cycle or additional Mufras class-rays to detect bone necrosis, or holes, and must be removed bone marrow sample for diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Symptoms, the results of blood tests and x-ray urine, in addition to assess bone marrow sample, leading to confirm the diagnosis.
The goal of treatment is to delay tumor growth. That the recovery from multiple myeloma is only possible in cases where the tumor where Mtamoda outside the bone marrow or in a single, as well as for young patients who have conducted the transplant bone marrow from the donor. Aadazlk, this disease An incurable disease remedy the situation. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to try to prolong life and access to good quality of life.
Chemotherapy [/ color]
Chemical drugs are preventing cells from rum growth and reproduction
Multiple myeloma is different from many of the tumors fact that the diagnosis does not mean the immediate need for treatment. With this treatment is required when:
Ballack bone onset of symptoms and fatigue
And a kidney injury
Increase the proportion of calcium in the blood
Qaq anaemia.
Some types of drugs known as Chemical (alkylating agents) and melphalan k Alsichaelovosagamaid effective in the treatment and often add their derivatives Cortisone.
The side effects of these drugs include nausea, vomiting, anemia, inflammation of the mucous membranes, hair loss, nerve damage weight gain. These symptoms occur during the use of drugs.
Will guide you to your drugs and how to use them.
Higher-dose treatment and stem cell transplantation
Studies have shown that the use of melphalan at very high doses led to a complete remission (complete disappearance of symptoms) with many patients. Despite this, the higher dose treatment has a negative effect on bone marrow. The result is a decline in the number of white blood cells, taking a major risk of infection. The following procedures are now approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma:
Giving incentives white cells that accelerate the renewal of white blood cells. These growth rates known as colony stimulating factors, white cells (JC S F).
Replanting bone marrow - or from the Pacific stem cells (taken from blood and obtained by the higher dose treatment). This procedure also invited on behalf of stem cell transplantation Territories.
Consult your doctor for this method or manner of stem cell transplantation from donor allogenic treatment with high-dose chemical, if your suit, especially with regard to risks.
The goal of radiation is the ability to stop cancer cells to divide and thus to prevent the growth of other tumor. Unlike many of the tumors, the normal cells have the capacity to repair damage caused by radiation, the result of radiation affect Cbrali tumor from the surrounding members of health. It is important to know that no radioactive material penetrates the body during radiotherapy.
Radiation therapy is used first of all to deal with bone pain. Also, radiation therapy can prevent bone fractures in the bone retaining sections. Current bone fractures could prove the use of radiation.
Severe side effects, such as reddening skin is rare. Various other side effects could occur depending on the region which are subject to radiation. You should discuss these side effects individually with a doctor Aoramk You should also discuss the form of radiation to be used in your case.
Real estate interferon treatment (interferon)
Interferon alpha-active material produced in the body and act on the immune system cells. Among other things, interferon prevent the reproduction of the plasma cells. Experience has shown that the use of interferon recommended for patients for whom chemotherapy has led to unabated, or at least stabilize the clinical picture. This concerns especially the high-dose therapy patients and stem cell transplantation. The goal of interferon treatment to keep remission accomplished during chemotherapy.
Flu-like symptoms of depression and possible side effects.
Thalidomide treatment
The use of thalidomide in the treatment of myeloma a new therapeutic. Scientists discovered that thalidomide can prevent the formation of new blood vessels. The renewal of blood vessels, also known composition coffers, is a sine qua non for the growth of tumors. In addition, thalidomide is also an impact on the immune system. The goal of scientific research be achieved if growth slows tumour could be using thalidomide. Data so far concluded that 40% of patients not previously treated with thalidomide respond to treatment. In the case of newly diagnosed patients, the combination of thalidomide and dexamethasone lead to remission in about 60 percent of cases, the combination of thalidomide and dexamethasone melphalan and lead to remission to 80 percent of patients.
In any case thalidomide treatment could take the side effects that may compel treatment for a rare break. Outer nerve damage, constipation, fatigue, feeling weak and skin rashes can occur.
Using thalidomide to treat patients newly diagnosed, patients in recidivism or disease-resistant preliminary, but also the patients who passed the first successful treatment acid maintenance. In any case treatment to prevent the setback, the dose necessary to significantly reduce and clear recommendations do not exist yet here. Results of the studies were not available nonetheless. (Information on clinical studies can be found here.)
Treatment b Bortezomib (Albortizumib)
Not all the details of the impact of this method of real estate called the proteasome sift clear. In any case, that the formation of protein and stoppage of the carrier signal, both important for the survival of cancer cells and to reproduce Alkhalayawaltsak cells and the formation of new blood vessels. To stop this protein is under the control of proteasomes. And enzymes are found in cells and cancer cells health and the destruction of cellular proteins that control the way.
Bortezomib prevents effective proteasomes, the result of many signals in the cancer cell nullify each other mutually and this, in turn, leads to prevent tumor growth and the formation of new blood vessels, and the death of cancer cells (apoptosis) to prevent interaction and cell tissue connecting the bone marrow.
In Europe, Bortezomib ratified in April 2004 under the brand Velcade ® to deal with multiple myeloma, for patients who were treated previously infected patients and two sessions of the disease was made during the definitive treatment (so-called third-line treatment). Since April 2005 Velcade ® also certified to treat patients with so-called second-line therapy. To remedy used Velcade ® single (In other words:. No combination with other drugs) patients must pass by planting bone marrow or may not be suitable for transplant marrow. Maximum duration of treatment with Velcade ® are not known yet.
The most frequent side effects in clinical studies with Velcade ® was a moderate degree of fatigue, a feeling of weakness, nausea, diarrhea, reduced appetite and maintained. In addition, in any case, there may be reducing the concentration of blood platelets, ill nervous external (feeling of anesthesia, pain in hands or feet or legs), high temperature and devout, and anemia. That a high temperature with pneumonia, acute diarrhoea and vomiting and dizziness and drought are considered serious side effects.
Treatment by a Lenalidomide
Lenalidomide has been approved in the United States, the EU and in Switzerland for a combination therapy with Dexamethasone in patients with multiple myeloma who already received a standard therapy. Since the end of 2005, Lenalidomide has also been approved in the USA for the treatment of patients requiring transfusions with myelodysplastic syndrome of risk class "low" or "intermediary-1" with simultaneous 5q-deletion with or without additional cytogenetic abnormalities.
Lenalidomide belongs to the main material in IMiDs ® this label stands for Immunomodulatory Drugs, a pharmacy, if the elements are able to effectively simulate the immune system. IMiDs are linkages derived from Altaledomid (calming dwellings) have reactors (IHD) compared with a few side Ttalidomid article in the same degree of effectiveness or more.
Allenaledomid mechanism of action is not yet fully known. But it is known that this article op in various areas of the body. Qualities and immunogenic Allauaaih Growing Up to this article affect the emptying of inflammatory material inciting and raise the production of reducing inflammation. Prevention is building blood vessels in cancerous tumor which leads to poor supply of nutritious substances cancerous cells. Also directly affect the Lenalidomide in cancer cells that is discouraging growth. Lenalidomide has the ability to whether the correct course of metabolic processes that emerged from the process of balance in the different regions of the body.
Blinaledomid treatment also linked to side effects. Often changed the image of blood in passing when the abuse of Lenalidomide: the quantity of blood platelets would be less, as well as white blood cell blood. The results of blood tests may lead to the need to cut treatment or reducing the dosage of Lenalidomide described. Some patients require influences development and / or blood transfusions.
Also reactors side of medicine for Lenalidomide high risk of a possible bloody clot during treatment (clot disease and obstructive lung). There is so far no tests prove definitively that the treatment and preventive advance would reduce the possibilities of a clot. By every kind of threat can constitute a blood clot doctor described the treatment and preventive measure against clot vascular and pulmonary embolisms. Side reactors that may consist of abuse of Lenalidomide is diarrhea, eczema, itching.
Bisphosphonates treatment bisphosphonates
One of the most frequent symptoms that afflict patients is a great pain, particularly in the spine and ribs. The pain caused by bone mass article, because myeloma cells. Bisphosphonates that part of the basic treatment of multiple myeloma. These Alakakirimkn that slowed the process of shattering the bone.
Myeloma cells produce factors that stimulate the activity of cells that regulate the activity of mass Britain (osteoclasts) and lead to increased bone crash. Topical factors believed to play a role, which means that more bone crash in areas where there are myeloma cells, and it is affecting the backbone full mainly hip and Sash basin, but also the bones of the skull, shoulders, chest Britain. The goal of treatment with bisphosphonates is that suppresses the activity of excessive osteoclasts. Patients treated and often faced a significant decline in Britain was important.
Bisphosphonates relatively secure form of treatment. In any case, it can cause symptoms of influenza semi, Andastamalha for the first time, can cause a temporary increase in bone pain. Each bisphosphonates can also cause problems college quickly. Despite the absence of any long-term studies in this area, the treatment of permanent b bisphosphonates recommended for Mrzialmaeloma, where the kidney function should be monitored regularly.
Bisphosphonates prevent the destruction of bone Aalmstqubli But, in any case, does not lead to any regression in the already existing damage. Despite the fact that there is no studies in this regard, some doctors treated their patients b bisphosphonates even in the early stages of myeloma as a precautionary measure. Laboratory studies have shown that bisphosphonates can crash myeloma cells.
Female symptoms of osteoporosis decomposition can occur from time to time with patients treated with bisphosphonates causing damage skeletons in the jaw. Results can be a pain, dental fluent, Havat sharp bone and the separation of small portions of bone. The initial symptoms are swelling, a sense of anesthesia and pain. Surgical operations in the mouth heal difficulty. So far, not known whether the type of bisphosphonates play a role or other factors (for example, radiation, other drugs, pre-dental treatment) have any impact.
Until such time as the answer to these questions, the myeloma patients advised to tell the dentist for treatment of bisphosphonates if applicable. In case of problems, the solution must be cut to two to four months. The use of antibiotics recommended for treatment of injuries in the jaw.
Address the accompanying symptoms
Speaking with your doctor regarding the treatment of symptoms associated with multiple myeloma, such as anemia, osteoporosis and increase the infection and pain and how to apply the precautionary measures for yourself. Consult your doctor about the first signs of symptoms and the doctor know which addresses (including dental and eye specialists) about the disease.
Ask your doctor about the things that we must pay special attention are finalized accompanying symptoms, the medicine has always dealt with exactly as described, taking advantage of preventive action. It is not true that myeloma patients should not be pollinators; vaccine inoculations that the crash was not bacteria or viruses which Ktralimrdi myeloma.
This section of the state real hit this cancer
And are being addressed